Monday, November 12, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Twenty-One: The Sinister Witch Hunt

Spilling some of my memoirs once again - my, my, it has been a long time!

Panic ensued outside the bounds of the Manor and into the small town where John grew up as the local doctor was roused in the middle of the night by several commoners and taken to the house of the town mayor, where his young eight-year old daughter was tormented of a burning fever and constantly hallucinated, screaming with pure fear and hatred. Try as the wonders of early science might, he was unable to bring an end to the child's misery and several peasants had reached the conclusion that the child may be being tormented by a witch's curse.

It was fortunate for John, who happened to be walking around with his companions that evening, which took place days after they had returned to the Manor, to witness the event and to personally see to it when his friends wove their way through the crowd of eyewitnesses and had the luck to end up seeing the writhing, twisting child being held back by her parents while the doctor examined her. He immediately told Sandra about it when he returned to the Manor.

"Hah, the man's finally gotten what he's worth." Sandra replied stiffly, leaving the young Tom to his lessons while the two entered the kitchen to grab something to eat. "I presume it's Diane who did it."

"Diane?" John asked.

"Diane is a witch residing in the glades a bit north from the town area. From what I have last heard that infernal brat of the town mayor had apparently trodden on her precious garden along with her troublesome friends. Most of her herbs and plants were viciously picked and plucked and now she hasn't got anything much to continue her formulation of medicine for the sick."

"She helps the sick? I thought you witches were mistrusted because of your - well - things like what happened to the girl?"

"Well, we are, but Diane feels otherwise. She welcomes those sickly people who cannot be accommodated by the meager knowledge of that expert you call a doctor. However, she got into some trouble with the town mayor about her illicit actions and apparently the daughter solidified her hate with the old man, so now it's come to this."

"But won't that put her in the mayor's bad side deeper?"

"I'm not sure of Diane's intents this time, but I believe she wants the old man taught a lesson in respecting the assistance that witches offer. We're not just born here to curse people to death - we also help extend life as much as we can."

However, the succeeding events of the following days slowly took its turn for the worse of the witches, for the town mayor soon learned of the witch tormenting his child and had organized a small band of commoners and town guards to storm Diane's glade. Naturally Sandra rushed with John and Tom to see the matters firsthand.

"Come out of there you vile witch!" the angry town mayor cried, brandishing a burning torch towards the witch's shut cabin. "Or else we'll torch your house to the very ground with you in it!"

A woman peered out from one of the windows and lashed out at the town mayor.

"It's your own fault that has happened to your daughter, you wretched old croon! They ruined the ingredients I use to cure those who cannot be attended by your pathetic doctor and thus she will have to suffer the consequences!"

"Silence!" the mayor cried. "I will hear no more of your useless rambling! Your cures are nothing but useless!"

"Your pride overtakes you, old man. We shall see who gets to crack up first!"

The witch boarded her windows.

"Blast her!" the mayor cried angrily. "BURN HER HOUSE DOWN!"

This was practically spawned by a conflict between beliefs that I'm torn on where to place my side on - but my belief stands in what's right :P

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