Monday, October 08, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Eleven: Distance

Right now I'm stuck at home for nearly a week, all thanks to this sore eyes that chose a very convenient time to strike X_X. Anyway, on with the chronicles, I commend to your attention, the 11th installment ^_^...

The Vampire Paul was exhilirated when John returned home late that evening in extremely high spirits, having witnessed the romantic event himself whilst taking on the form of the vampire's usual favorite - the bat. He flew home immediately after witnessing it and now sat on the guest's armchair, welcoming the euphoric vampire.

"Well, how did it go?" Paul asked, feigning ignorance as John collapsed on his usual armchair, a smile on his face.

"It was the happiest moment of my accursed life." John said. "Thank you for helping me realize it."

"Mark is too immature to realize the importance of relationships even here in the underworld, my boy. I am just glad to be of help to push you to shall we say... brigter worlds."

"It felt like... like I never became a vampire. It was intoxicating."

"Oh, yes, yes. Just like the scent of fresh blood, the aura of love captivates even the worst of werewolves. But you must need some rest now, it is almost sunrise and we shouldn't be troubled with the deadly glare of the sun."

"But it makes no difference; I can walk the sunny outdoors without fear of destruction!"

"Ah, so you now possess knowledge of that. But it won't be healthy if done frequently, as it can destroy you eventually. You must get some rest. I insist!"

John pranced up the stairs feeling absolutely light and settled himself in his chambers.

"Perhaps there is still hope for someone like him." Paul said. "Such a waste of a fine man... resigned to being a denizen of the underworld..."


The following evening, Mark was troubled as to why John still wasn't up when the moon was already at its peak. He sent Paul to check in on John.

"Dear boy, what is wrong with you?" Paul asked, knocking on John's door gently. "It's nighttime already, don't tell me the lovesickness has addled your brains?!"

"Don't come near me...!" came John's voice from inside.

"Well, whatever that is, it shouldn't be bad. Come now!"

Without waiting for a response, Paul entered the door and marched in. John had his back turned on the vampire, his head resting on a windowsill.

"Dear vampire, what is wrong?" Paul asked.

John turned to Paul, and the latter was mildly shocked. John's eyes were bloodshot red!

"Oh, you have contracted sore eyes." Paul said, bending over John and checking his eyes. "Hmm, these look pretty bad. I doubt you would be able to go out for a few days."

"A few days?!" John cried, his red eyes starting to swim with tears. "B-but I can't! S-Sandra, I... she..."

"Well, we can't help that now, can we, boy?" Paul asked. "That is a contagious disease you carry. People won't appreciate it."

"I don't give a damn! People don't appreciate me as a vampire anyway!"

"Well, uh, of course that is already given, boy, but think of what you can do to your beloved. Would you like it if she were to possess that affliction too?"

"I, I..."

"Get some rest, and it'll be gone soon. I insist!"

"All right, I understand..."

"I'll inform Mark about it. Go on, now. Get some rest."

Paul assisted John on his bed and left the chambers.


Two days passed and a gentle knock was heard on Mark's Manor on that evening. Paul answered the door.

"Yes, who might you be?" Paul asked gently, feigning ignorance as to the identity of their guest.

"I am Lady Sandra, a witch living in the Rotwood Moor." the witch said, her face hiding a shadow of concern that the vampire was too keen to observe at once. "Is John in there?"

"I am afraid he is down at bed with a contagious illness that he wishes not to spread, my dear." Paul said, frowning and looking towards John's chambers. "I daresay he shall get better soon."

"Oh, my, is it serious?"

"Nothing to be worried about. He will be fine in a few days."

"I hope so... please, send him my love."

"I will."

Sandra gave Paul a swift curtsey, the latter nodding his head. As Sandra walked away from the Manor, she gave an instinctive look towards John's open window, and saw a figure leaning sadly on its windowsill.

At the other end, a tear fell down John's still swollen eyes as he watched the witch heave a soft sigh and walk out back to the shadows of the woods.

"Sandra..." John said, holding out a hand towards the departing witch.

Succintly summarizes what I currently feel with this damn sickness... I hope it gets better by Wednesday... T_T

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