Sunday, July 06, 2008

Class Week Six: Age of Sorrows

Am I overestimating myself? Or am I just really that harsh?

I ask these questions after administering my second set of quizzes to both my IT Concepts classes. after sifting through the results, I find that they weren't exactly the results that I had expected. Perhaps it's just what Sir Chris Haravata had warned me of during my early days as an Instructor - never set your expectations too high.

I know some of my students are keeping themselves up to date with my entries in the Web, and I will apologize for setting such as torturous exam upon your feet. Perhaps it's time I adjusted my standards to something a little lower and give a little more leeway for the freshmen that you are. However, keeping reality in mind, College is a very different environment than what many might have come to accustom themselves in High School. Things here are more rigid, more complex, more difficult. It might appear as easy now in your early days but rest assured the challenges will mount and continue to increase in difficulty the longer you delve yourselves in your respective arts and sciences.

We, for one, went through heaven, hell, and maybe even limbo, before we managed to get to our positions now. As much as we try not to replicate such a grim scenario on you guys, it's still best for you to experience those things to teach you what to expect here as a College student.

Given that, I might be administering a new exam to some of my classes who did not make it through the old exam, and I pray and hope for everyone's sake that they review their lessons well this time. I don't mind making quizzes in the slightest (although this one will be considerably and hopefully easier than the previous one) but I also hope that the class is doing their best to understand their lessons. These quizzes may just be a measure of one's objective aptitude on a subject, but may not potentially measure the amount of knowledge they have gained. As much as I want the knowledge to continue flowing, every once in a while your understanding of the subject matter must also be tested.

With that I bid my classes good night for today, and I will be seeing you all in class this week. Oh, and don't think that this will not go unnoticed in the next leg of our 'World Wars' :P

~Sir Dave~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer

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