Monday, June 16, 2008

Class Week Three: A Moment of Danger

Two days follow my previous post as of today, and it has been quite a very heavy-minded start of week in terms of what I had to accomplish and heavy things I had to decide on.

This blog shall bear firsthand witness to my final decision: I am resigning from my work.

With work I mean my professional work, not the other part-time shifts that I had undertaken in my free time and effort. It has been quite a tough decision and having to weather through the discussions behind this decision that I have forcibly cemented over and under to prevent myself from revoking it makes this entire start of week tremendously depressing already. I know I am saving myself from certain health and mental / social dangers, but I am hoping I am not making the most erroneous decision of my life. At any rate, it'll be a decision that I'll be carrying with me for all eternity.

This, however, closes but a door of my knotted-up professional life. I tell you, having to brave through three responsibilities at the same time takes a lot of time and attention and I am already facing serious delays and drawbacks in keeping up with all three responsibilities. I understand that professional responsibilities take high precedence but if it will completely take over my life then for my own sake I will need to cut this off while I am still not completely tangled in it. This is not the only way up after all: there are other means to get there.

With that, I now hope to look forward to being with my true passions once again, not just in teaching my students and stuff, but also in my prospect of going fulltime for a career that I would enjoy doing with the company of my classmates and instructors, and at the same time doing things I enjoy most. It's not as dreamily compensated as the previous one, but I can live with that.

Now I'm thinking positive as I recall Master Oogway's (Kung Fu Panda) interesting quote: "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, and Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."

~Sir DaveTNova~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer

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