Monday, October 29, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Nineteen: The Underworld's Prophecy

Continuing from where we left off... XD

"You are aware, perhaps, of the interesting relationship that has taken root within the very halls of this Manor, are you not?" Arcanum asked Mark, the conversation now taking a more serious turn.

"Of my little vampire and his witch friend?" Mark said curiously. "I am aware of their relationship and I've thought better not to intervene."

"Good, at least you are aware and they are not hiding it from the rest of the world. Now, you do realize that what they are doing is in fact, well against both sides from whence they originate, yes?"

"Is love of another denizen in the underworld forbidden for the witches as well?"

"Why of course, darling." Cassandra said, stroking her cat calmly, her piercing eyes on Mark. "But of course, there had been exceptions - quite unnatural and shall we say - much-needed exceptions."


"You are perhaps unaware of the Underworld's Prophecy." Arcanum said. "For the sake of your knowledge, as you have undoubtedly fallen into this circle already, as with your companions, let me state the contents of this prophecy."

Arcanum drew out a thick book from his traveling suitcase and opened it on a bookmark. The pages appeared to have been written in blood.

"The Underworld's Prophecy is an ancient foresight conceived by the best Seers of the First Age of Sorcery and Witchcraft, the time when our kind roamed the lands without fear of anything, not even the doctrines and weapons of the Church. Now that age has long past and we have succumbed to retreating in the darkness. As it is, here are the contents of the prophecy."

Arcanum cleared his throat, and began to read:

"As the sunsets wane once every ten years, at the critical point of the rise of the Witch's Moon, there will be love - love blossoming like a dark rose at the wastelands of the underworld - and those who share in it become the Chosen... those who become captivated by it shall serve a purpose greater than what their Existence had decreed for them..."

"Chosen?" Mark asked.

"Be quiet, it is not yet complete!" Cassandra hissed at Mark. Arcanum continued:

"During this critical point, it is they who shall bring the Great Darkness once again - a darkness and unholiness so vast, no servant of the heavens in the land would manage to resist - and in this time the underworld shall rise and initiate the Sinister Purge."

Mark dropped his wine glass.

"So this is the very event that spawns the Great Darkness and the Sinister Purge, decades and decades back!" Mark said with awe. "I have heard of the Darkness and the Purge approaching at this time of the decade, but I have never expected it to start at my very Manor!"

"Now you appreciate the situation." Arcanum said. "We shall not become burdens to your hospitality, for we have a small residence set up in the town area. Be mindful of everything else, Mark, and await our further commands. For now, keep a close watch on those two."

"I will."

With that, Count Arcanum and Countess Cassandra bid farewell, mounting the sinister carriage and trudging out of the Manor.

"You believe this couple would be like the countless ones before them?" Cassandra asked curiously. "Like us?"

Arcanum held her hand.

"My love, our moment of darkness has already manifested nearly centuries back and since then, tradition has never faltered. It would be regrettable for this new couple if they are to break it..."

The story turns ever so darker... :D

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