Monday, October 22, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Seventeen: Support and Encouragement

I've just come from a really late Yahoo! Messenger Conference with my close friends and companions in the Online Gaming Realm and I can't help but smile at what they had given me in exchange for my listening at their tales and them listening to mine. I transcribe it into this Chronicle~

It was one particularly fine morning when John, endowed once again with the mystical medicine that granted him the ability to walk under the sun's glare without fear, went out of the Manor to have a nice long walk and contemplate on his life. He had left Sandra in the Manor as she started to teach young Tom in the more intricate arts of Dark Magic, one which required more intensive concentration and attention. Thus the young vampire went into town, dressed in the rather usual fashion he adopted during his nobility days.

He chanced across the Town Square, where the old bookstore stood. It had been his habit with his friends to pay a visit to the bookstore before and have a good read of books that are worth purchasing. Retracting his fangs, John took a deep breath and pushed open the aging bookstore door, the doorway bell clinking gently as he did.


John was partly blinded by the sunlight's glare that he failed to recognize the thunderstruck figures that were inside the bookstore. As his vision adjusted, though, he noticed that it was his old friends and companions, still idling by at the bookstore.

"Hey, it's been a long time! Where have you been?" Matt, his old next-door neighbor, said, pulling John towards him with his arm and ruffling his hair. "We've been calling in your mansion for weeks but your parents said you've gone on a trip!"

"You didn't even tell us, man." Anthony, another noble neighbor of his, said, slapping John's shoulder playfully with a thick book. "It was like you just disappeared!"

"Hey, sorry everyone, I got held up - er - overseas." John said apologetically, smiling weakly. "Anyway, I'm back, so what's up?"

"You gotta tell us everything about it, then!" Jason, the oldest of them all and one they all look upon to, said. "Come on, let's have some lunch at my house."

They went over to Jason's estate and had a scrumptious lunch outside. As they dined in, John told them of "travels" that he has had, but kept to himself the fact that he had been turned into a vampire. The horror and discrimination that his friends might show were not exactly what he had been aiming to discover at such a fine day.

"So," Anthony said, breaking the silence. "You met some interesting ladies overseas?"

John took a wild stab.

"Well, there was one whom I had loved during my short travel, and she confesses that she loves me too." John said, clearly alluding to him and Lady Sandra. "We're still feeling our way to one another, though."

"Cool, man." Jason said, slapping John's back and almost making him choke. "I didn't know you had it in you!"

"Yeah, well it surprised me too."

"I'll have one advice to give you regarding that."

"What is it?"

"Return there regularly and take her out."

"Well, we have been going out for a bit with some friends during my visit, and - "

"No, not like that. I mean take her out, just the two of you, and have a chat, or some dinner or something!"

"Well, I..."

"Trust us, especially Jason, man." Matt said, waving a fork playfully at John. "It'll take your relationship to a deeper level."

And as John contemplated about it when they all separated to return to their homes, John trudging his way beyond their eyesight and back to the Manor, he slowly contemplates on the short but meaningful bit of advice - "Take her out".

But he had several intents to accomplish before that, for he already has the plan in mind, but due to certain delays he has faced with some people, he is forced to, in turn, delay it a bit further. But just a few days, he suppose.

Just a few more days...

*sigh* Thanks to them, now I've opened up further in my relationship. I love you, sweet *hugs*

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