Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Eight: An Ordeal for a Change

A day follows my admission, and now John is faced with a colossal challenge. Read on! XD

Another evening passes, and it was the third night that John had abstained from blood. For the past few days he had been able to subdue his vampiric instincts and hold back his hunger for someone else's blood, especially his maker's. Even the thought of blood doesn't drive his brain as powerful as it did before, when he was at the height of his vampirism.

However, he is still stumped with his limitations as a vampire - the inability to walk in broad daylight. Apparently he has tried during the morning when he laid a finger out to the glare of the sun streaming through an open window and he ended up almost burning it up had he not had the impulse to take it out immediately similar to one taking his fingers off a burning hot pan.

Now, nursing a moderately burnt finger, John made his way to the Manor's library, where he pored over the numerous volumes and tomes there, finding ways to empower him to walk in broad daylight despite the consequential power of the sun against them. He had not bothered to ask his friend about it, for he was sure that somehow the temptation would arise once again and he might not be granted the knowledge to this secret. Thus he preferred to do it alone, at a time when Mark was not at home.

From one book to another John pored through the contents, reading up on various vampire hunts and massacres of long past, to the history of their manor and the villages surrounding it, until he found a curious book entitled:

"Vampires ~ Defying the Order of Nature"

Seeming pretty curious that such a title coincidentally meant what he want to be like, John carried the dusty book towards the drawing room and started to read on his armchair. The book did reveal numerous answers on defying the natural order of a vampire, from restraining one's fangs with will power to complete abstinence from blood. However, consequences of the cure and the procedures were all potentially dangerous that when John read about the Total Cure, the consequence can be death.

Feeling less entertained by the terrifying consequences of a cure, John instead settled for finding means to walk without fear of the sun, and there he found his answer:

"Sunlight serves as every vampire's sign to head back to their hide aways and bide the time until the evening returns and the unholy hour strikes, but despite this dangerous times there are vampires who cannot wholly endure half a day of deprived blood, especially when there is much source of blood available at this time.

Thus various vampires have connived with the dark powers of warlocks and witches of old, and altogether they devised one quintessential method to shield themselves from the deadly glare of the sun - a potion, prepared with the following ingredients..."

As John scanned the ingredients he felt relieved, for Mark always had practiced the formulation of potions and vials and always had a store of ingredients. However, the last ingredient struck him like thunder hitting a lightningrod:

"a small vial of your maker's blood, mixed with yours"


The following morning, Lady Sandra was mystified when she heard three soft knocks on her door. As she went to open it, she was thunderstruck and almost dropped the potion bottle she was holding when the vampire John greeted her with a smile, holding one beautiful black rose in his right hand, which had a bandage wrapped tightly round its wrist.

A smile, a hug, and a kiss. That was enough for the two to understand.

All in the name of love~

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