Sunday, June 15, 2008

Class Week Two: A Season of Peril

Greetings once again to all of my few subscribers in this little haven I call my online "home". It's been several days since I made a post here and to be frank I am still fortunate to have time on my hands to be able to post stuff here, what with what has been happening recently that has taken up most of my time and attention.

Today officially marks the start of the third week of class (even though it is just Sunday), and to be frank I have already incurred several menial and serious mistakes that I fear might be a little difficult to patch up with regards to my teaching. I do not place much blame on my students for this, for I fear that more of my "fears" have surfaced with regards to overestimating the class. Perhaps it is as my mentor had warned me about, which I need to tone down.

I had administered two batches of quizzes - one of which indirectly - into two of my classes, the third one yet to receive it this week. While the results of my IT Concepts quiz seem satisfactory, I may have tortured my students a little too worse in my Programming Concepts class. I am a person used to challenges and I fear that I may have imparted that similar intimacy to my students as well by setting a little-hard-than-usual challenge that doesn't match their level of understanding yet. I know it is unjust to put them in such a situation and to make up for it I intend to re-adjust the quiz so as not to put them into failing standards. (Rejoice, SSE81!)

I, however, have not faltered in my IT Concepts classes. As it is a purely conceptual class with so little to no practical activity, I have made it a point to ensure that the class does not delve into the information too much and put more focus into the knowledge that they gain from such information. I leave this as a concept for my students: Data is raw and unprocessed, things without meaning; Information is processed data, one that has meaning, form, and structure; Knowledge (as a third definition) is the understanding and the comprehension that comes from the information acquired. And that is what I intend to achieve with my classes.

I pray that the third week of class progresses without turns for the worse, and I hope my class would understand that I am still in the process of adjusting to this side of the classroom. Not to worry, the second batch of quizzes by the fourth week won't be so heavy as the previous one ^_^

~Sir DaveTNova~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer

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