Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Four: An Enticer Enticed; A Witch Bewitched

Two interesting rhymes for a title, and the story gets even more complicated. Now this really becomes a fanfiction LOL.

As John walked back to the Manor, his mind raced with various thoughts whilst he contemplated on the witch's response to his queries.

Perhaps if you tried being a little open at your thoughts and understand your maker's behavior, you will be enlightened to accept his offer..."

The words etched on his mind like carvings chiseled on wood, and the more he thought of the idea the more it scared even himself. Being open on that matter wasn't exactly a resolution he expected the witch to tell him. He kind of expected her to formulate a medicine of sorts to cure him of his queer hunger, but now he's left to ponder over the witch's words.

However, as he emerged from the woodlands that bid entrance to the witch's abode, he felt difference settling in his system - like as if his mind had been turned to a new inclination. The feeling was unnatural for him, but a smile crossed his lips as he continued.

It was a short while before sunrise when John finally reached the confines of the Manor, finding his friend and maker seated calmly on the drawing room, reading a book over the lamplight.

"Ah, you have returned." Mark said, speaking like as if nothing happened during dinnertime. "I suppose you have found some other victim by which to satisfy your natural hunger upon my blood? That won't be healthy for you..."

He smirked as he returned to his reading. John sat on the armchair opposite him.

"No, as I've said, I've got too much respect on you, that's why I can't bear to do it." John said, smiling at his friend. "But I seem to notice - you're quite interested to tempt me to take a bite at you, aren't you?"

Mark looked up from his reading.

"Let's just say it would bring me no end to pleasure to see my own victim having a taste of my tainted blood. It would strengthen your vampiric identity if our kin were to find out."

"Bring you no end to pleasure? Then I suppose you want to bite me again when I finish having a taste of you?"

The words escaped John's mouth in a sudden manner that even he himself was stunned. It was as if something nudged his mind to have such thoughts. Mark, however, remained impassive, although there was a hint of surprise.

"You assume too much, don't you?" Mark said, recovering from the reaction and smiling. "I have already bitten you once, and that would suffice for me."

John smirked - another action he never expected even himself to do. It was like as if strings had been attached on all parts of his body, a puppeteer controlling him from afar. Nevertheless he liked it.

"Really... but whenever you stare at me I see the same hungry stare I give you most of the time." John said, winking at his friend then heading off to his chambers to retire.

The following evening, the witch Sandra was thunderstruck when she found a lovely black rose placed gently at her doorstep. A small piece of paper was folded under it and when she read its contents she just smirked at herself. The note ran:

"I send my love to the witch who might be responsible for the change that suddenly overcame me. Perhaps you gave me more than just an answer.


The Vampire"

Sandra held the note for a moment in her hands, then picked up the black rose and went in her shack.

Love story? LOL

The Muse on a Moodswing, alquanna, has posted her side of the story after John left. You may opt to check it out too here XD

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