Monday, October 01, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Six: Euphoria

Lately I've been engrossed with continuing the series of the Vampiric Chronicles and the Muse on a Moodswing, alquanna, has posted several tidbits to the tale in her point of view. Here is its proper order, so as not to confuse readers :D

The Vampire Within (mine)
Revelations Strike (mine)
Dilemmas and Perils (mine)
Wicca (alquanna)
An Enticer Enticed; A Witch Bewitched (mine)
Petals (alquanna)
Light in the Darkness (mine)
Meeting (alquanna)

And now it is followed by this latest chronicle that I commend to your attention XD~

John suddenly jerked awake after falling asleep on the armchair. Apparently his pondering had finally attracted the sleep that never wanted to arrive a while back. Brushing his half-tired eyes for a moment, he turned to the cold cup of tea that the servant had served him earlier, but was thunderstruck at what he saw next.


John's insides leapt. The witch was seated calmly on the guest's armchair, quietly reading a book that she got from Mark's bookshelves. There was an aura of difference around the witch from the last time he had seen her, and he could not help but smile at the thought.

"Finally you have awakened, vampire." Sandra said, without looking up from her reading. "It's quite fascinating for you to sleep through the sunset and wake late at night. You have had a troublesome morning?"

"You can say that I've had a lot on my mind." John said, his voice shaking slightly as he turned to have a drink of the tea. Even his grip on the teacup shook. "Oh, has the servant -?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Sandra said, closing the book and setting it on the side table. "I came here to see how you were doing."

"So it was you." John said, casting a sudden glance at the stairs, on the lookout for Mark. "You've done this to me... haven't you?"

"You do not like it?"

"It's not like that." John said, shaking his head. "I'm grateful for it, actually. You've helped me realize several things I've forgotten during my vampiric state."

"I'm happy to hear that."

Then the hunchback servant approached them.

"Master John, Master Mark has departed for his evening raids earlier than expected. Since he has found you asleep he has asked me to prepare you dinner instead. Would you and your guest like to have something to eat?"

"Oh, yes, thank you." John said. He turned to Sandra. "Will you not mind dining with me? I mean... our food might differ from what you are accustomed with."

"Try me, vampire." Sandra said, smiling.

They had a scrumptious dinner where the servant apparently outdid himself with ordinary dishes that surprised the two. Afterwards the witch prepared to depart.

"Well, I see from your manners that you have considerably improved and taken my advice with care. I admire your honor, vampire, standing up to your resolve without doubts." Sandra said, as she drew her cloak over her head. "But I must be going. I cannot trespass on your hospitality any longer."

As Sandra turned to walk away, a mad impulse suddenly drove John.

"Sandra, wait!"

Sandra turned again, and John suddenly grabbed her by the hands and met her lips with his. The moment lasted for several seconds, but for John it seemed like an eternity. He even took great care not to harm the witch with his fangs, but for that fleeting moment, it seemed, that his fangs had disappeared. In fact, he even felt human once again~

*Sighs deeply* Keep yourselves posted! :D

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