Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Class Week Eleven: Plurk and Legos

Greetings to the Blogosphere! My apologies for my sudden loss of contact with the blog world, as I suddenly got myself tangled into a very interesting social networking site... the online timeline of life called PLURK!

What is plurk, you say? Well I may have been one of the most backward / delayed people to tell this now (as the rest of my friends and blog mates have already blogged about it more or less), but it is an online timeline of your activities (and quotes) and through a vast social network you can also see what your friends and mates are up to (thinking, doing, wanting, whatever!), and all in real-time at that! That means you can actually relate to most of what they are doing or thinking and enjoy a healthy conversation.

It actually does a lot of miracles and transcends social networking and discussions as people know it. It's a unique design and I will honestly admit I have been hooked into it!

For a sample of how the system of Plurk works, you may visit the Gamer at Heart plurk at http://www.plurk.com/user/terranova18

Moving on to my next interest for this week, I recently procured a small Lego Train that I bought as a Lego Creator brand - one of those designs made by someone then submitted it to the Lego world as a formal design. Well I started out with the train since I found it interesting to revive my old likes for the Lego System, and guess what? After several more purchases my little collection has started to expand with three additional racer cars from the Lego Racers brand!

I really can't figure why I suddenly got engrossed to Legos again after all these years - maybe it's a second childhood bursting inside me, I suppose. Or maybe it's the wanting to build a personal collection - you know that typical thing people do that involved collecting something as a part of a "collection" per se - coins, stamps, etc. Maybe this is what I am eventually destined to devoutly collect and showcase like a display or an exhibit. LOL

That ends this rather hurried post I suppose. The Plurk-verse is demanding its attention as I am getting unread replies from other plurkers. Later!

~Sir Dave~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer

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