Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Post-Class Lamentations 1: Begging for Mercy

Finally! The term has almost ended (for the nth time I might be announcing these past few days) and my grade computations have almost been completed. I must say that everything looks somewhat good for my students and I congratulate them for quite a wonderful performance in class. It was their doing anyway that brought them to such grades and in my honest opinion, they are quite deserving of those marks, whether high or low.

As the term now draws to a close and a momentary period of calm moves in for the Instructors and the students (paving the way for yet a new trimester), it is also time for us Instructors to settle our own ends of the trimester (grades, evaluations, stuff like those), and right now I've been running like a headless chicken across three floors in the school in just settling my status for next term.

As the blog post title for today implies, I'm literally almost on my knees begging for mercy. Well, not quite exaggeratedly, but there's something that drives me to desperation throughout the waning days of the old trimester and the coming new one. I just hope whatever it is that happens by the end of this week brings favor to me and gives me convenience for the coming three and a half months.

With that I will end this rather relatively short lamentation. Cheers and have a great term break, my students!

~Sir Dave~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer

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