Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Hi there again! Right now my blog's starting to highlight points that underline the blog title itself: Gamer at Heart!

Right now, aside from practicing to be an illusionist with the DS (and failing considerably, given the fact that the tricks require extreme practice to perform flawlessly), I've also taken up the role of a defense attorney and engage in a courtroom battle of wits - all courtesy of Phoenix Wright!

Phoenix Wright is a three-series game adapted from its Gameboy Advance version and now ported successfully to the Nintendo DS. You take on the role of the Defense attorney, Phoenix Wright, as he engages in a series of somewhat-related cases that unfold a major storyline of the game. The three series are Ace Attorney, Justice for All, and Trials and Tribulations. Some later cases with the latter two games will not directly involve Phoenix defending in court, but rather his companions and even rival would do it!

It's entirely a battle of wits, you having to perform an investigation at the crime scene and related places and also to converse with a number of witnesses, some actually testifying in court and some assisting on your investigation. In examining the locations, you obtain useful evidences and items that might aid you in proving your theories and/or charges in Court.

After an investigation, the trial itself begins, and you are introduced as the defense, your intellectual enemy being the prosecution. In most of the cases, Phoenix's rival is Miles Edgeworth, a High Prosecutor and well-known to win a lot of cases with a guilty verdict.

There's also the judge, of course, a man of wise judgment but can easily be swayed by points of both prosecution and defense. More often that not he agrees with prosecution unless the defense has something credible to present.

Courtroom battles here progress with lesser bureaucracy than what traditional courtrooms might have, given the absence of references to laws, rights, or any other judicial stuff that might pertain to the written law. All cases convened are murder and thus the duties are simply made clear for everyone to understand properly: the Prosecution is to exercise all means to prove the defendant guilty, be it by use of falsified evidences or testimonies; and the Defense is to protect his client by revealing flaws and exposing lies in the testimonies, or anything else that might appear as - as the game states - contradictory.

The Prosecution gets its way with witnesses, thus they are the ones presenting witnesses and sometimes, other evidence that you might have missed. Each witness gives one or more testimonies of what he/she saw at the crime scene and with each point of the testimony you are given the option to test its truthfulness by pressing her with the issue. The witness will reveal extra information but sometimes it won't be helpful, or it will be covered up by an objection of the prosecution.

Once a lie has been found, the defense can begin cross-examining. During a cross-examination, evidence is normally required to prove a lie in the witness's statement. As Miles Edgeworth himself says, "The only thing that belongs in a trial is evidence!". Therefore evidence is necessary! Present the right one and you nail the witness and the prosecutor. Present a wrong one, and the judge nails you!

From there on it's a series of testimonies, arguments, and cross-examinations. Phoenix's mentor, Mia Fey, has said that "Once you break through a witness's testimony, everything else falls apart." Therefore, once a lie has been exposed, it will be difficult to re-arrange one's testimony again. More often that not it leads him to expose more than what was necessary. Prosecution may object, but it will be too late.

In the end, everything culminates to a 'NOT GUILTY' verdict, but that is, if you have the brains to prove it!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Master of Illusions - Magic Performances on the DS!

*tips top hat*

Good day today! I momentarily break the Chronicles again since there is one thing that definitely caught my interest when I was playing through some games on my DS - and that is Master of Illusions!

What is this game, you might ask? Well it's like a game that functions as a magic prop and a magic performance stage at the same time. It empowers you (along with the DS and its helpful tricks and tips) to make a dazzling performance in front of anyone - friends, family, even strangers! It's a really interesting find for me. XD

It's not dubbed as a game per se, but rather a pastime program that you'd like to visit daily (since you can only practice for so much daily and practicing unlocks more and better magic tricks to play around with). The game provides you with magic tricks to use and also teaches you the fundamentals of performing the tricks without catching the audience's suspicions - of course to do that perfectly you need to practice, practice, practice!

Aside from the fact that you can render performances with magic tricks, there is also a built-in Magician inside the game that can perform tricks for you! Of course his tricks are way better than yours and some employ the functionalities of the DS to complete.

As a taster of what I might perform for you should we meet with my DS, here's one - the Twin Candles trick:


Blow on the DS mic. Both candles should go out. Blow on it several times after the Magician lights it for you.
2. Pick a candle among the two (it's either the red candle or the blue candle). Then point your index finger at it.
3. Blow on the DS mic again.

Here's a pic: [courtesy of Gamespot!]

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Twenty-Two: A Moment Withheld

Been a long time since I posted! I'll have to brush up around here. XD

One week passed after the sinister events that befell the Witch Diane, and even as Mark, Paul, John, Sandra, and Tom discuss it over dinner they still cannot believe the harsh brutality that the town mayor exhibited over the poor witch. Although Diane did survive the conflagration of her house with the execution of several clever witchwork and the help of underground passages within her shack, she has now, according to Sandra, fled to the countrysides to the homes of the outlying witches that reside there.

"Of course she will be safe there as I am here, but there's no telling what that mad mayor might do should he encounter more witches." Sandra said. "Have you heard what happened to his daughter?"

"Yes." Mark said curtly, slicing half-cooked steak in his plate and spearing it with his fork. "From what I hear, his daughter died several days ago of intense fever and what they believe to be witchcraft at its worst."

"No better words can describe that." Sandra said. "We witches are helpful and kind to a fault, but if we are disrupted by these non-believers then we can set loose nature upon them!"

John didn't reply, nor was he even listening to their conversation. Several things had come to his attention recently and often he sneaks some time out of the Manor, preferably at night and during the moments when Sandra educates young Tom. Not that he's evading her, but he's got several things in mind.

"Uhm, excuse me for a moment," John said, rising up from the chair all of a sudden. "I'll... I'll need to take a short walk."

"I'll come with you." Sandra said, half-rising from her chair, but John held her back.

"N-no, this is something I must do myself." John said, taking extra caution to choose his words carefully. He didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"Well, if that's what you like." Sandra said. "You be careful now."

"That's something to be said for those who cross me."

Sandra smirked. John strode to the door, put on a coat, and went out of the Manor.

"Y-you two are not fighting, are you?" Mark asked curiously.

"Not at all!" Sandra said suddenly. "Why do you ask that?"



John walked along the almost-empty town streets, watching the town folk light the street lamps and close up shops. He stopped in front of the bookstore where he and his friends normally stayed, then entered without anyone noticing.

"Oh, hi John." Jason said, looking up from his reading. "Took you a short while to get here."

"Sorry, we're having dinner." John said. "Had to excuse myself. Is it ready?"

"Not yet, but it's almost done. I'll just need Anthony's assistance to finish it."

"Thanks. I wouldn't know what I'd do without you guys."

"Not a problem, man. You take care with her now."

"I will."

John went out of the bookstore, thinking deeply. Thoughts danced around his mind as he walked along the street, all revolving around the single woman in his life. Sandra had been the best thing that had come in his darkened and miserable vampiric life, yet there's something missing that he seems to fail to give.

"Just a little more time..." John said to himself, frowning. "I'm sorry, I'll have to hold it a bit longer..."

He looked up at the night sky, as a light snow started to fall. He had completely forgotten - it's almost Christmas.

"Maybe during then." John said.

Now I wonder what that is *giggles*

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Twenty-One: The Sinister Witch Hunt

Spilling some of my memoirs once again - my, my, it has been a long time!

Panic ensued outside the bounds of the Manor and into the small town where John grew up as the local doctor was roused in the middle of the night by several commoners and taken to the house of the town mayor, where his young eight-year old daughter was tormented of a burning fever and constantly hallucinated, screaming with pure fear and hatred. Try as the wonders of early science might, he was unable to bring an end to the child's misery and several peasants had reached the conclusion that the child may be being tormented by a witch's curse.

It was fortunate for John, who happened to be walking around with his companions that evening, which took place days after they had returned to the Manor, to witness the event and to personally see to it when his friends wove their way through the crowd of eyewitnesses and had the luck to end up seeing the writhing, twisting child being held back by her parents while the doctor examined her. He immediately told Sandra about it when he returned to the Manor.

"Hah, the man's finally gotten what he's worth." Sandra replied stiffly, leaving the young Tom to his lessons while the two entered the kitchen to grab something to eat. "I presume it's Diane who did it."

"Diane?" John asked.

"Diane is a witch residing in the glades a bit north from the town area. From what I have last heard that infernal brat of the town mayor had apparently trodden on her precious garden along with her troublesome friends. Most of her herbs and plants were viciously picked and plucked and now she hasn't got anything much to continue her formulation of medicine for the sick."

"She helps the sick? I thought you witches were mistrusted because of your - well - things like what happened to the girl?"

"Well, we are, but Diane feels otherwise. She welcomes those sickly people who cannot be accommodated by the meager knowledge of that expert you call a doctor. However, she got into some trouble with the town mayor about her illicit actions and apparently the daughter solidified her hate with the old man, so now it's come to this."

"But won't that put her in the mayor's bad side deeper?"

"I'm not sure of Diane's intents this time, but I believe she wants the old man taught a lesson in respecting the assistance that witches offer. We're not just born here to curse people to death - we also help extend life as much as we can."

However, the succeeding events of the following days slowly took its turn for the worse of the witches, for the town mayor soon learned of the witch tormenting his child and had organized a small band of commoners and town guards to storm Diane's glade. Naturally Sandra rushed with John and Tom to see the matters firsthand.

"Come out of there you vile witch!" the angry town mayor cried, brandishing a burning torch towards the witch's shut cabin. "Or else we'll torch your house to the very ground with you in it!"

A woman peered out from one of the windows and lashed out at the town mayor.

"It's your own fault that has happened to your daughter, you wretched old croon! They ruined the ingredients I use to cure those who cannot be attended by your pathetic doctor and thus she will have to suffer the consequences!"

"Silence!" the mayor cried. "I will hear no more of your useless rambling! Your cures are nothing but useless!"

"Your pride overtakes you, old man. We shall see who gets to crack up first!"

The witch boarded her windows.

"Blast her!" the mayor cried angrily. "BURN HER HOUSE DOWN!"

This was practically spawned by a conflict between beliefs that I'm torn on where to place my side on - but my belief stands in what's right :P

Monday, November 05, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Twenty: Mark's Past

A little deviation from the current darkness as Mark is left in the Manor all by himself... *giggles*

A tempest had ensued from the storm that assailed the region and as dawn started to draw closer a messenger raven barely made it through the only open outlets of the Manor - the chimney - and landed on Mark's study table before collapsing in the heaviness of the rains. The raven bore a dampened note in its claws, which Mark read. The letter was a water-impervious-enchanted paper note written in Sandra's hand, stating that their stay in the abode of the Witch Kriselle would be extended due to the unforgiving nature of the tempest. Mark shrugged the letter off, now walking towards his bedroom.

Rain... how strongly the rains reminded Mark of his ordination to the Legion of Blood. He can remember it all to clearly as he viewed the storm-stricken windows, the panels almost giving way as the high winds punished it.


It had been several generations already, Mark thought, and quite a long time it had been for him to be walking the darkness of the night, slaying or converting countless victims to his charge. He had made quite a handful of vampires himself, although none as close and as interesting as his friend and apprentice vampire John. Perhaps the event of John's ordination to the Legion was a strong reminder of the similar fate he suffered in the hands of his own maker.

He lived the life of a nobleman himself, the very Manor where he lives a living testament of his family's wealth and fortune, amassed from riches that his family had plundered from countless conquests during the Middle Ages. Truly their fortune was unsurpassed that his family held high influence in the small society of the town.

During one particular ball organized by a friend, Mark had the opportunity to meet up with a gentleman of equal upbringing as he is, that in itself being mysterious already, since there are a few nobilities in their town. The name of the man was Matthew.

Mystified as Mark was by his new friend's identity, nevertheless the two forged a friendship that was perhaps stronger than what he and John had forged by themselves. Although Matthew only favored meeting up for balls or celebrations in the evenings, Mark never had suspicions - until the night of his conversion.

It was a tempestuous evening, much like what he had experienced during his serious chat with Count Arcanum and Countess Cassandra, and he and his friend Matthew were walking towards his Manor, having offered his friend a place to stay, when his friend suddenly pulled him towards a tree and pinned him in place, a queer gaze locking their eyes in place.

Wild thoughts raced across Mark's mind at his friend's actions, and his eyes widened with horror as his friend revealed its true identity - it was a vampire, and one of the First Generation Vampires at that, those descending from the tainted bloodlines that even surpass Count Arcanum's (since the current Great Count of the Legion descends at a bloodline several generations after Matthew's, the older Great Counts having died off). Without another word, Matthew plunged into Mark's neck and gave his friend a loving bite that settled in five seconds of pain for Mark, followed by five seconds of bliss, then a darker five seconds of settling bloodlust - also known as the Vampire's First Fifteen.

Overwhelmed by insane bloodlust, as his maker was a First Generation Vampire (in concept these vampires bring forth serious starts to their new apprentices), he and his friend stormed their Manor and killed off his own parents and sisters, lost in his hunger for blood.


Now, as Mark recalls everything, all this began with what his friend had brought him, and as he contemplates on it, hate once again boils deep inside him, hence he retained a vow he made when he made John a part of the Legion: never to go by his older friend's brutality.

And now that the Prophecy settles itself on their house as well, everything seems so surreal to him... thus he retired to bed, his head spinning with his thoughts.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Nineteen: The Underworld's Prophecy

Continuing from where we left off... XD

"You are aware, perhaps, of the interesting relationship that has taken root within the very halls of this Manor, are you not?" Arcanum asked Mark, the conversation now taking a more serious turn.

"Of my little vampire and his witch friend?" Mark said curiously. "I am aware of their relationship and I've thought better not to intervene."

"Good, at least you are aware and they are not hiding it from the rest of the world. Now, you do realize that what they are doing is in fact, well against both sides from whence they originate, yes?"

"Is love of another denizen in the underworld forbidden for the witches as well?"

"Why of course, darling." Cassandra said, stroking her cat calmly, her piercing eyes on Mark. "But of course, there had been exceptions - quite unnatural and shall we say - much-needed exceptions."


"You are perhaps unaware of the Underworld's Prophecy." Arcanum said. "For the sake of your knowledge, as you have undoubtedly fallen into this circle already, as with your companions, let me state the contents of this prophecy."

Arcanum drew out a thick book from his traveling suitcase and opened it on a bookmark. The pages appeared to have been written in blood.

"The Underworld's Prophecy is an ancient foresight conceived by the best Seers of the First Age of Sorcery and Witchcraft, the time when our kind roamed the lands without fear of anything, not even the doctrines and weapons of the Church. Now that age has long past and we have succumbed to retreating in the darkness. As it is, here are the contents of the prophecy."

Arcanum cleared his throat, and began to read:

"As the sunsets wane once every ten years, at the critical point of the rise of the Witch's Moon, there will be love - love blossoming like a dark rose at the wastelands of the underworld - and those who share in it become the Chosen... those who become captivated by it shall serve a purpose greater than what their Existence had decreed for them..."

"Chosen?" Mark asked.

"Be quiet, it is not yet complete!" Cassandra hissed at Mark. Arcanum continued:

"During this critical point, it is they who shall bring the Great Darkness once again - a darkness and unholiness so vast, no servant of the heavens in the land would manage to resist - and in this time the underworld shall rise and initiate the Sinister Purge."

Mark dropped his wine glass.

"So this is the very event that spawns the Great Darkness and the Sinister Purge, decades and decades back!" Mark said with awe. "I have heard of the Darkness and the Purge approaching at this time of the decade, but I have never expected it to start at my very Manor!"

"Now you appreciate the situation." Arcanum said. "We shall not become burdens to your hospitality, for we have a small residence set up in the town area. Be mindful of everything else, Mark, and await our further commands. For now, keep a close watch on those two."

"I will."

With that, Count Arcanum and Countess Cassandra bid farewell, mounting the sinister carriage and trudging out of the Manor.

"You believe this couple would be like the countless ones before them?" Cassandra asked curiously. "Like us?"

Arcanum held her hand.

"My love, our moment of darkness has already manifested nearly centuries back and since then, tradition has never faltered. It would be regrettable for this new couple if they are to break it..."

The story turns ever so darker... :D

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Eighteen: Illustrious Guests

I just saw an interesting anime on the TV before I went to work today and it struck me with an interesting batch of ideas now embroidered within this Chronicle~

It was a stormy midnight in the Manor when a sinister carriage pulled by four skeletally thin black horses stopped in front of the doors and sounded a sinister bell ring from within it. At once Mark was shaken from his nervous seat in his armchair and immediately hastened to open the door, a black cloak in hand. He was the only one at the Manor, for John and Paul accompanied Sandra and Tom to visit the witch Krystelle.

As Mark opened the doors and awaited in front of the carriage doors, his heart beat with extreme nervousness and fear - only twice had his illustrious guest visited his Manor. The carriage still bore the similar emblem he saw decades back - a human heart impaled by a shining silver dagger and shrouded by burning fire - the Dark Legion of Blood.

The vampire coachman brushed in front of Mark and opened the carriage doors, and two persons stepped out of it - Count Arcanum, head of the Dark Legion of Blood, the Unholy Order of Vampires. With him was an aristocratic-looking witch wearing long black silk robes and a fine ebony witch's hat. She caressed a devious-looking black cat in her hands as she shielded it from the tempest.

"Good Evening, Count Arcanum." Mark said, bowing before the regal-looking vampire. The title 'Count' is a position held with high esteem among the ranks of the vampires, as it signifies veterancy and age within the Legion.

"Good Eve, Sir Mark." Count Arcanum said, acknowledging the vampire with a curt nod and a flick of his hat. "Before you take us in your hospitality for a few hours of serious talk, I would like to introduce to you, Countess Cassandra, Grand Witch of the Occult Order of Witches."

"It is my pleasure to meet you, madame." Mark said, taking the witch's free hand and kissing it gently.

"Charming vampire." the witch said, her aristocratic figure breached by a sudden tinge of a girlish giggle. "Shall we get inside? My cat is starting to feel drafty."

"But of course."

Mark led the two towards the guest chambers of the Manor, where they seated themselves comfortably by a burning fireplace, the servant bringing them refreshments.

"It is quite an honor to have you in my humble Manor, your Grace, but pray might I ask why at so short a notice? I barely had time to prepare the accommodations."

"Oh, please, it is no bother, my lad." Count Arcanum said, leaning on a silver cane with a heart-shaped grip. "We have serious business to discuss... you are alone?"

"As of the moment. My friend vampire and my little vampire have accompanied their friend witch and warlock on a woodland not far from here. I daresay they might be back tomorrow given the weather."

"Ah... the cast of this thickening plot." the witch said prophetically, her eyes on her cat, which she lovingly stroked, the cat purring contentedly. "Perfect, Arcanum. Simply perfect."

"In which case..." Arcanum said. "Let me begin."

And we will cut the story there to avoid a lengthy statement! XD

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Seventeen: Support and Encouragement

I've just come from a really late Yahoo! Messenger Conference with my close friends and companions in the Online Gaming Realm and I can't help but smile at what they had given me in exchange for my listening at their tales and them listening to mine. I transcribe it into this Chronicle~

It was one particularly fine morning when John, endowed once again with the mystical medicine that granted him the ability to walk under the sun's glare without fear, went out of the Manor to have a nice long walk and contemplate on his life. He had left Sandra in the Manor as she started to teach young Tom in the more intricate arts of Dark Magic, one which required more intensive concentration and attention. Thus the young vampire went into town, dressed in the rather usual fashion he adopted during his nobility days.

He chanced across the Town Square, where the old bookstore stood. It had been his habit with his friends to pay a visit to the bookstore before and have a good read of books that are worth purchasing. Retracting his fangs, John took a deep breath and pushed open the aging bookstore door, the doorway bell clinking gently as he did.


John was partly blinded by the sunlight's glare that he failed to recognize the thunderstruck figures that were inside the bookstore. As his vision adjusted, though, he noticed that it was his old friends and companions, still idling by at the bookstore.

"Hey, it's been a long time! Where have you been?" Matt, his old next-door neighbor, said, pulling John towards him with his arm and ruffling his hair. "We've been calling in your mansion for weeks but your parents said you've gone on a trip!"

"You didn't even tell us, man." Anthony, another noble neighbor of his, said, slapping John's shoulder playfully with a thick book. "It was like you just disappeared!"

"Hey, sorry everyone, I got held up - er - overseas." John said apologetically, smiling weakly. "Anyway, I'm back, so what's up?"

"You gotta tell us everything about it, then!" Jason, the oldest of them all and one they all look upon to, said. "Come on, let's have some lunch at my house."

They went over to Jason's estate and had a scrumptious lunch outside. As they dined in, John told them of "travels" that he has had, but kept to himself the fact that he had been turned into a vampire. The horror and discrimination that his friends might show were not exactly what he had been aiming to discover at such a fine day.

"So," Anthony said, breaking the silence. "You met some interesting ladies overseas?"

John took a wild stab.

"Well, there was one whom I had loved during my short travel, and she confesses that she loves me too." John said, clearly alluding to him and Lady Sandra. "We're still feeling our way to one another, though."

"Cool, man." Jason said, slapping John's back and almost making him choke. "I didn't know you had it in you!"

"Yeah, well it surprised me too."

"I'll have one advice to give you regarding that."

"What is it?"

"Return there regularly and take her out."

"Well, we have been going out for a bit with some friends during my visit, and - "

"No, not like that. I mean take her out, just the two of you, and have a chat, or some dinner or something!"

"Well, I..."

"Trust us, especially Jason, man." Matt said, waving a fork playfully at John. "It'll take your relationship to a deeper level."

And as John contemplated about it when they all separated to return to their homes, John trudging his way beyond their eyesight and back to the Manor, he slowly contemplates on the short but meaningful bit of advice - "Take her out".

But he had several intents to accomplish before that, for he already has the plan in mind, but due to certain delays he has faced with some people, he is forced to, in turn, delay it a bit further. But just a few days, he suppose.

Just a few more days...

*sigh* Thanks to them, now I've opened up further in my relationship. I love you, sweet *hugs*

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I take a break from writing the Chronicles to stretch my fingers a bit... and to release some feelings that have mounted over the past few days. It's been months that I've seated in my usual office desk and I can't believe that it's almost over for me here in GXS. Not to mention that we're being pressured to make our decisions of moving on with our lives or continuing our stay here until our classes resume in January.

And all the while it's been her, her, her... all aside from the boring work, the returning interest in gameplay, and a bloodthirst to blast every single trading and military convoy in the Caribbean. LOL, Lately my interest in Perfect World has returned and I've also renewed my interest in Port Royale 2, a Caribbean scenario of trading and military warfare.

All this time I thought it would be a boring season of internship... then again I proved myself wrong! XD

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Sixteen: Touch and Feel

More inspiration strikes me... *sigh*

In between Tom's sessions with Lady Sandra, the witch permits him to meet his love for several hours, following a brief scheme that she had devised with the ever-ecstatic Paul and her love John. Even the impassive Mark had opted to pitch in the plot as well, and under Tom's nose the vampires and the witch schemed to make his stay more enjoyable and memorable.

One particular evening, however, John had chanced to see Lady Sandra leaning thoughtfully on the balustrades of her chamber's balcony. John had checked in on her since she did not go down for dinner.

"You can stop tip-toeing, John, I know you're there." Sandra replied, her back turned on John as she stared thoughtfully at the night sky. It was a pretty starry evening and there's a slight draft blowing.

"I know. I just thought I could surprise you." John said, putting his hands on Sandra's shoulders, the woman feeling it with her own. "Why didn't you come down for dinner?"

"I didn't feel hungry at the moment. Perhaps I'll just ask the servant to bring some food later tonight."

"Are you thinking of something?"

"Nothing much... I just want to..."

"Want to what?"

"Hold me, John."

John obliged by holding Sandra closer to him, the witch burying her head in his chest once again.

"Oh, John, I wish this would never end..." Sandra said.

"I'm sure Mark wouldn't mind if you stayed." John said, stroking Sandra's hair. "He had always liked company, especially when he found and made me."



To each of them, the moment seemed to last like an eternity.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Fifteen: Lovestruck

Moving on with this unique twist that neither concerned John nor Sandra... *giggles*~

As expected, Tom's stay in the Manor proved interesting for the small group, as Mark's Manor now housed three vampires, a witch, and a warlock. Although the vampire minded in the slightest that his house has started to become a haven for various denizens of the underworld, he still preferred the company of the others.

During Tom's first few days in the Manor, Lady Sandra had been an earnest mentor in teaching the young Warlock the tricks of the Craft, using the skills and knowledge she had learned from her masters and mistresses. Even John, who still kept on abstaining for blood, and Paul, who seemed to have secret abilities that kept him without blood, had taken to listening in at the discussions or even participating as Sandra's test subjects. Day after day Tom's interest in practicing the Craft mounted.

One morning, after one particularly critical experiment that sent both vampire subjects asleep - thanks to the practice of the sleeping spell that Tom overdid, Lady Sandra decided to get to know her student better.

"You seem intelligent and appreciative of the Craft enough." Sandra said curiously. "Why do you still seek to stay at another person's place and study with a witch?"

To her surprise, the young warlock smiled.

"This has all been arranged days back before I came here." Tom said casually. "I practice the Craft away from the eyes of my parents and it is there that I found out that a witch has taken refuge here at my father's friend's Manor. I then pretended to act out of the ordinary so I could be here."

"And pray may I ask what your reason is to do such?"

Tom flushed.

"There is a witch whom I have my heart set on

"That would not be me, wouldn't it?"

"N-no, not at all!" Tom said. "No, it is a witch that resides in Brightwood Forests."

Sandra racked her brains. "Ah, of course" she said. "You speak of the eccentric witch, Krystelle."

Tom went redder.

"Oh, but it is not something to be ashamed of. She is a fine young witch, although I have not seen much of her these past few months. She practices the Craft devoutly and always keeps in touch with the other witches."

"I... I think I am in love with her, Mistress Sandra..."

Sandra giggled.

"Well now I know what brought you here to the Manor." Sandra said. "And I'm sure you won't mind if we made it worth the while to come here, will you?"

"Definitely not!" Tom said, smiling. "Thank you!"

The scenes that I narrated actually happened with a friend of mine, during a small gathering we had. *giggles*

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Fourteen: A Letter from the Warlocks

A new twist in the plot unfolds! Read on ^_^

A week after Sandra settled herself in the Manor, Mark received a message from the leader of the Dark league of the Warlocks. He settled himself in his armchair and opened the wax-sealed black envelope.

"That bears the seal of the Warlocks." Sandra remarked, as she saw the markings on the front of the envelope. "What could they possibly want?"

"Nothing threatening, I assume." Mark replied, as John's heart skipped several beats. "The leader of the Dark league is a close friend of mine."

Mark took out a black sheet of paper from the envelope. As he smoothed it out on his lap to read, the letters magically shone from the black paper, shimmering silver for all of them to see. It ran thus:

"To my friend Mark,

It has been years since we have last met and still you have not returned the favor you asked of me on our latest meeting. Not to worry, I do not come to collect payments, my friend. I just have one favor to ask of in return.

My son, Tomolaus, is acting weird of late and doesn't seem to practice the Dark Craft as often as we do in the family. Do not be surprised, but I am aware that a witch currently resides in your home. I wish to send my son over for a couple of weeks to stay in your Manor so at least he experiences life with other denizens of the Underworld and at the same time learn from the witch that resides in your Manor.

I hope it is not too much to ask, for you and for the witch.

Sinisterly Yours,

Grand Warlock Marcus"

"Well, will it not trouble you?" Mark asked Sandra.

"I'm sure it won't." Sandra said. "I still fear that my safety outside these walls is threatened, thus I can say that my stay would have to be extended."

"Then it is settled. We shall await the arrival of his son then."


A week passed and a carriage pulled up at the Manor's courtyard. It was a chilly evening and John had placed his coat on Sandra as they waited outside so the witch would not feel cold.

Their hunchback servant opened the carriage doors and a handsome young man wearing black robes went out of the carriage. He carried himself with decency and composure that he could have passed for a nobleman, had it not been for the intricate black tattoo of dark runes printed at the right side of his head, near the forehead and cheek.

"Ah, Tomolaus, such a pleasure to have you as a guest in my home." Mark said, holding up a hand and shaking the young warlock's hand.

"I... uh... thank you." the warlock sputtered, shaking Mark's hand clumsily. "I'd... I'd appreciate being called Tom instead..."

"Right, then, Tom. These are my fellow vampires, John and Paul, and this lovely lady here is Lady Sandra of Rotwood Moor. She has gladly obliged to aid you in your shortcomings as a warlock."

"I... thank you..." Tom said, scratching the back of his head. John shook his.

"Come now, let us have dinner." Mark said.

They all went in the Manor to have something to eat.

Oooh, now you wonder who Tom is? You'll find out soon ^_^

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Thirteen: Unholy times

Mind-wracking events of the previous night, followed by the tempest of today inspire me to make this post - and quite a coincidence, it is the thirteenth part, a supposed unlucky sign...

John had barely done much since Sandra's latest visit when all of a sudden the Manor doors were shaken by a series of violent knocks.

"Now who could possibly be knocking so violently at this time of the night?" Paul asked concernedly, walking over to the door. "Surely Sandra couldn't have left something, could she?"

"No, I don't believe so." John said, rising from his armchair. "If it's an innocent victim looking for shelter, I'm not going to feast on it. You do the honors."

"Hah, you will suffer from bloodlust soon if you don't get some blood on your fangs."

Paul opened the Manor doors and in burst Lady Sandra once again, this time carrying her cauldron, which seemed to contain several books inside. Her robe pockets seemed to contain several bottles and vials, judging from the sounds it made.

"Sandra!" Paul cried, as John burst from the living room and headed towards them. "Whatever has happened, my dear?"

"I... I need a place to temporarily hide, I... oh, John!"

Sandra dropped her cauldron and books, the heavy copper cauldron meeting Paul's right foot and the books in his other, as she rushed off and locked with John in a tight embrace. John immediately felt something wrong.

"What's wrong, Sandra?" John whispered, brushing Sandra's hair.

"My... my sanctuary at the woods has been desecrated." Sandra said worriedly. "My spell of secrecy has been broken and I fear someone is trying to gain access to my powers. I fear for myself and you."

"Now, now, let's calm down and discuss this over some tea." Paul whimpered, his feet in heated pain. "Come, let us go to the living room and have a talk."

The three seated themselves on the living room. The servant brought them tea whilst Sandra narrated the events that overcame her as she went home.

"So you fear for an unknown force threatening your safety and possibly ours?" Paul asked. "Well, I presume Mark won't mind having you in the Manor for the time being. Rest assured that no enchantment could possibly breach these demon-constructed walls."

"Thank... thank you..." Sandra said. "It will only be temporary, until I can find a place where I can safely set my magic into."

"I'm sure Mark would be delighted to have you as a guest."

John smiled at Sandra, now nestled in his arms. Paul beamed at the two.

My darling Muse on a Moodswing, alquanna, now moves to a new place, called Witch's Whispers! Check it out ;)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Twelve: Return to the Woods

Well finally my eyes are white, and at least I can see without feeling prickly or warmed, irritated. Here's Chronicle 12 for grabs! XD

It took the Vampire Paul's best efforts, tricks, and techniques to keep the lovesick Vampire in his chambers to obtain rest, for during the past three days after Lady Sandra's visit John had been trying every single Vampiric ability he learned from Mark to worm his way out of the house. John had tried turning to a bat and flying out the window - by which he got caught by Paul, who was perched on the rooftiles above John's bedroom window; he had tried ailing for bloodlust, which Paul was too keen not to believe, for he knew John wasn't showing signs of every vampire's most feared condition; he had even tried threatening to open the bedroom windows in the morning but Paul shielded the entire window from the sun's glare every morning by having imps build an extending roof to block off the sun's rays.

In addition to that, Mark had called for a friend doctor, Doctor Felix, from a neighboring town to regularly check up on him. The doctor, being a common practitioner of medicine by day and a full-fledged werewolf by night, had been hounding on his condition by coming in his werewolf form (since the moon was still at its fullest) dressed in a starched white doctor's coat. Apparently Paul had divulged to Doctor Felix, and now the good doctor keeps on teasing him whilst he prepared John's usual eye drops.

Thus when John's illness cleared up completely the vampire dashed out of the Manor that evening, running off as fast as his feet can carry him without even bothering to change into a bat. For the past few days he was desperate - desperate to have her in his arms, to see her again, to hear her voice, even just to feel her aura mingling with his. Paul had been an earnest attendant to his illness, but his methods of keeping him in his room were most maddening.

When he reached the archway of dead trees leading deep into Rotwood Moor, John was filled with an intoxicating blaze of euphoria and desperation, rushing off towards the dark, spooky woods and reaching the familiar outer yard of Lady Sandra's shack in almost a split second. Still in a state of desperation, he pounded on the doors like a dog seeking for its old master.

Sandra answered the door almost immediately, and the two instinctively converged into a tight hug under the doorway, as if sure of who was on the other side.

"Sandra, I... I missed you... the past week had been tormenting to me... you don't know how hard it was, I..." John started to explain, but a touch of his lips by Sandra's index finger silenced him as the witch smiled.

"I know how, John. I felt the same way as you have..." Sandra said, burying herself in John's chest, the vampire stroking her elegant dark hair.

"I'm sorry, but my sickness, I... I could've wanted to, but I..."

"There's no need to explain..." Sandra said softly, silencing John again. "I know you would've done everything to see me even in those times, but of course your friends were quite concerned about your health, and I am too."

"Sandra... thank you!"

John held Sandra tighter, his heart almost swelling to double its original size in the happiness flooding him.

I wish she's free for the Weekend meets~

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I sit on my usual pink plastic stool that my brother uses all the time whenever he uses and abuses the power that I extend over my laptop to him, poring over webpages of old entries and relishing on the memories of past days and perhaps weeks, maybe even months. God, it had been frustrating to be stuck at home, relying only on the speed and span of telecommunications to bridge the agonizing gap between us. How I missed her~

Now that I think of it, my blogging status before had been close to dismal, displaying my woes in life at the early posts, even ranting about how unfair my parents had been treating me with regards to my study-gaming relationship. Then in a sudden revival and flash it shifts to the gaming gear as I join in GM T's contest. Now, it's become a haven for my lovesick heart to shout itself out... *sigh* - my blog really has become something else... from rants to views, now to emotions~

Each time I glimpse back to see whether she has new works or just plain staring once again at the loving words she has embedded within the delicate strands of fiction that we now shared at crafting, I cannot help but smile at myself and heave a sigh for all the things that has happened in our lives. It all started off with the first meeting at a Movie UBE, then followed by a series of EB skirmishes that ordinarily concluded with the two of us walking down a desolate mall hallway, a commercial district avenue, or even the online gaming headquarters itself.

Memories that keep me happy despite the longing that slowly fills me up at each second I spend without seeing her familiar pink font.

Monday, October 08, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Eleven: Distance

Right now I'm stuck at home for nearly a week, all thanks to this sore eyes that chose a very convenient time to strike X_X. Anyway, on with the chronicles, I commend to your attention, the 11th installment ^_^...

The Vampire Paul was exhilirated when John returned home late that evening in extremely high spirits, having witnessed the romantic event himself whilst taking on the form of the vampire's usual favorite - the bat. He flew home immediately after witnessing it and now sat on the guest's armchair, welcoming the euphoric vampire.

"Well, how did it go?" Paul asked, feigning ignorance as John collapsed on his usual armchair, a smile on his face.

"It was the happiest moment of my accursed life." John said. "Thank you for helping me realize it."

"Mark is too immature to realize the importance of relationships even here in the underworld, my boy. I am just glad to be of help to push you to shall we say... brigter worlds."

"It felt like... like I never became a vampire. It was intoxicating."

"Oh, yes, yes. Just like the scent of fresh blood, the aura of love captivates even the worst of werewolves. But you must need some rest now, it is almost sunrise and we shouldn't be troubled with the deadly glare of the sun."

"But it makes no difference; I can walk the sunny outdoors without fear of destruction!"

"Ah, so you now possess knowledge of that. But it won't be healthy if done frequently, as it can destroy you eventually. You must get some rest. I insist!"

John pranced up the stairs feeling absolutely light and settled himself in his chambers.

"Perhaps there is still hope for someone like him." Paul said. "Such a waste of a fine man... resigned to being a denizen of the underworld..."


The following evening, Mark was troubled as to why John still wasn't up when the moon was already at its peak. He sent Paul to check in on John.

"Dear boy, what is wrong with you?" Paul asked, knocking on John's door gently. "It's nighttime already, don't tell me the lovesickness has addled your brains?!"

"Don't come near me...!" came John's voice from inside.

"Well, whatever that is, it shouldn't be bad. Come now!"

Without waiting for a response, Paul entered the door and marched in. John had his back turned on the vampire, his head resting on a windowsill.

"Dear vampire, what is wrong?" Paul asked.

John turned to Paul, and the latter was mildly shocked. John's eyes were bloodshot red!

"Oh, you have contracted sore eyes." Paul said, bending over John and checking his eyes. "Hmm, these look pretty bad. I doubt you would be able to go out for a few days."

"A few days?!" John cried, his red eyes starting to swim with tears. "B-but I can't! S-Sandra, I... she..."

"Well, we can't help that now, can we, boy?" Paul asked. "That is a contagious disease you carry. People won't appreciate it."

"I don't give a damn! People don't appreciate me as a vampire anyway!"

"Well, uh, of course that is already given, boy, but think of what you can do to your beloved. Would you like it if she were to possess that affliction too?"

"I, I..."

"Get some rest, and it'll be gone soon. I insist!"

"All right, I understand..."

"I'll inform Mark about it. Go on, now. Get some rest."

Paul assisted John on his bed and left the chambers.


Two days passed and a gentle knock was heard on Mark's Manor on that evening. Paul answered the door.

"Yes, who might you be?" Paul asked gently, feigning ignorance as to the identity of their guest.

"I am Lady Sandra, a witch living in the Rotwood Moor." the witch said, her face hiding a shadow of concern that the vampire was too keen to observe at once. "Is John in there?"

"I am afraid he is down at bed with a contagious illness that he wishes not to spread, my dear." Paul said, frowning and looking towards John's chambers. "I daresay he shall get better soon."

"Oh, my, is it serious?"

"Nothing to be worried about. He will be fine in a few days."

"I hope so... please, send him my love."

"I will."

Sandra gave Paul a swift curtsey, the latter nodding his head. As Sandra walked away from the Manor, she gave an instinctive look towards John's open window, and saw a figure leaning sadly on its windowsill.

At the other end, a tear fell down John's still swollen eyes as he watched the witch heave a soft sigh and walk out back to the shadows of the woods.

"Sandra..." John said, holding out a hand towards the departing witch.

Succintly summarizes what I currently feel with this damn sickness... I hope it gets better by Wednesday... T_T

Saturday, October 06, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Ten: Under the Witch's Moon

Something extremely romantic that I seem to have failed to append to the Chronicles in the wave of euphoria that constantly kept streaming in my body now makes its way here. Up until now I can't help but be crumpled to a heap when it strikes me.

Several days after John's daring moves, a friend of Mark had dropped by from a large metropolis not too far from their small town. It was Paul, another fellow vampire that hounded the outskirts of the larger, more civilized area. The visitor arrived at exactly moonrise the following day and Mark had requested John to be with him to welcome their guest.

"Ah, it is fine to be back in your Manor and in the midst of your hospitality, my friend." Paul said, as he and Mark exchanged a brief, friendly hug. "And this must be the new friend you speak of lately."

"This is John." Mark said, motioning a hand to the young vampire, whom Paul shook hands with rather cordially. "He is a very obedient little vampire, although he has abstained from blood of late."

"Truly? Well it does not show in his complexion, does it?" Paul said, staring at John with a piercing look. "Are you sure you really are a vampire?"

"Y-yes, I am." John said, opening his mouth a bit to expose the two fangs that he had learned to control when to and not to appear.

"Mmm, quite an interesting specimen you are. I expect I will enjoy my stay here with more company to be with. My abode at the city makes me rather lonesome."

They had dinner after the introductions and right after that Mark prepared for his evening raid, his guest preferring to stay for the night and have a rest. Thus John was left at the Manor as always, entertaining their guest instead.

"I see you are not an ordinary vampire, my boy." Paul said, accepting a cup of blood-tinted tea from the hunchback servant. "You have the Enchantment around you."

"The Enchantment?" John asked.

"I am no idiot to ancient spells of dark times, my boy. I know them all." Paul said. "You have fallen for a witch, have you not?"

John's insides tightened. How could he - ?

"It comes as no surprise, my boy." Paul said, laughing the thought aside and setting the teacup down. "It is evident that a witch has given you her utmost protection - in the darkness of our underworld it is a sign of love."

"I... I don't know what to say, I..."

"No, you don't. But I am sure, you know what you must tell her. You have not yet, have you?"

"Well, I..."

Paul laughed again.

"Since Mark holds you in such high favor, then I shall too." Paul said, plunging a hand deep in his coat. "Tonight is the night of the Witch's Moon. Now would be the best time to do it."

His hand emerged from his coat, holding out a magnificent golden rose.

"Take this rose, and give it to her." Paul said, smiling.

"I... thank you!" John cried, smiling, his eyes almost shining with tears.

"Ha ha ha, don't hold back, my boy. You are an admirable vampire!"

Half-stunned, John leapt from his chair and rushed out of the house, flying past woodlands and countrysides and heading to the dark woods he was now familiar with. At the night sky, a pale reddish moon hung low, casting a solemn glare throughout the land.

He caught up with the witch right outside her small shack, where Lady Sandra was preparing a small ritual circle for the festivity of the Witch's Moon. As the witch held a cauldron filled with water in her hands, John approached her, still half-gasping for breath.

"My, my, what brings you here, John?" Sandra asked concernedly. "Something's not wrong, is it?"

"No, Sandra." John gasped, now smiling at her. "I... I just came here to..."


"Sandra I..."

John drew out the golden rose from his coat pocket, unharmed and undamaged by his running effort. He took Sandra's hand and placed it tenderly on it, holding it up to his lips and planting a small kiss on the now closed hand 'round the rose.

"Sandra, I love you!"

The witch dropped her cauldron with shock as John swept her into his arms once again and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips - a kiss that only the Witch's Moon bore witness to, and perhaps a bat that was flying around the woods that night.

Now didn't I really miss that part? The admission came first before it even got into the story, haha!

Friday, October 05, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Nine: Tears of Joy

I lay on my bed and got so emotional that now I transcribe it to this chronicle... *sigh*

Mark was struck with sheer surprise as John entered the Manor in extremely high spirits, dancing in the drawing room with unnatural glee. Apparently the vampire had been preparing for yet another evening of blood when his friend entered.

"You seem to have enjoyed your new ability quite a lot." Mark said, raising his eyebrow and smiling as John collapsed on his armchair, still smiling. "What has the morning world taught my little vampire this time?"

"It has helped me realize things I have missed when I became a vampire." John said calmly, smiling at himself.

"Fascinating. Well, I see you are in no mood to join me yet again tonight so I leave you in charge of the Manor." Mark said, wearing his traveling cloak and heading out.

Once Mark had completely vanished from view in the window, John went up to his chambers and dressed in a nightgown. From his coat pocket he drew out a neatly folded piece of parchment, and opened it, then sighing and holding the paper closer to him.

The feeling was bliss - unrelenting, unyielding, unending. It felt like he was going to explode at the immensity of his emotions and he smiled at himself as he thought of the moments that they had enjoyed, walking around the town area, impassive to the people watching with surprise and amazement.

And then a tear fell of his eye, followed by another, until he realized minutes later that he had been crying - crying with joy for the things that have happened in his life. He had thought it was all over for him when he became a vampire and resigned to feasting in blood, but no, he was wrong.

Even in the darkness of the underworld that he is in - that they are in - still there is a place for joy, for happiness, for love...

Still smiling at himself, he grabbed a pillow and held it tight, then fell asleep. As his grip on the paper that he still held loosened, it fell on the floor, revealing a sketch of two lovers holding one another closely.


Thursday, October 04, 2007

Dave is captivated

I make my post in the dead of the night, when I can't help but giggle at myself and hug a pillow so tightly in the intense feelings that have re-flooded my senses and once again set my brain in disarray. Never have I felt happiness this intense in all my life, and it's exhilirating!

I've just gone from a small player meet in our online game and well, that was one brief moment that I was with her - after the several days old admission I had mustered with all my strength and heart... I must admit it was a really intoxicating experience to be with her and well, be close with her even for a short while.

Ah, love.

She gave me something to remember the event by, and at first nervousness struck me, for it was given with immense discreetness that I thought it was something bad (well those things had happened to me before lol) and besides, none of my companions seemed aware of our connection - yet. Well, she told me to open it when I was already by myself and I did it on the very first chance I had... the following events well filled me with even more happiness that I could have sworn I was literally blushing as I walked in the sidewalk.

Ah, love.

As I played the game tonight and did some pending mandatory quests, I cannot help but shoot glances at that memorable artifact, a fragment of sweet memory that I'll perhaps cherish for a very long time... and I really cannot help but flush everytime my mind turns its attention to my brief memories with her... it was a shame I wasn't able to extend it, but perhaps it will be possible, soon... I hope. We might have a movie EB with some close online friends and well, for all I cared I hope they picked up the scent as well. It's not like we're being as discreet as Romeo and Juliet, weren't we?

Ah, love. Sweet love. You have captivated me so severely this time that I am reduced to a hopeless romantic whenever you strike me with your lashes. You've given me happiness that I thought I'll never realize ever.

I love you so much... *sighs*

I'm blushing again... >,< *hugs pillow tightly*

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Eight: An Ordeal for a Change

A day follows my admission, and now John is faced with a colossal challenge. Read on! XD

Another evening passes, and it was the third night that John had abstained from blood. For the past few days he had been able to subdue his vampiric instincts and hold back his hunger for someone else's blood, especially his maker's. Even the thought of blood doesn't drive his brain as powerful as it did before, when he was at the height of his vampirism.

However, he is still stumped with his limitations as a vampire - the inability to walk in broad daylight. Apparently he has tried during the morning when he laid a finger out to the glare of the sun streaming through an open window and he ended up almost burning it up had he not had the impulse to take it out immediately similar to one taking his fingers off a burning hot pan.

Now, nursing a moderately burnt finger, John made his way to the Manor's library, where he pored over the numerous volumes and tomes there, finding ways to empower him to walk in broad daylight despite the consequential power of the sun against them. He had not bothered to ask his friend about it, for he was sure that somehow the temptation would arise once again and he might not be granted the knowledge to this secret. Thus he preferred to do it alone, at a time when Mark was not at home.

From one book to another John pored through the contents, reading up on various vampire hunts and massacres of long past, to the history of their manor and the villages surrounding it, until he found a curious book entitled:

"Vampires ~ Defying the Order of Nature"

Seeming pretty curious that such a title coincidentally meant what he want to be like, John carried the dusty book towards the drawing room and started to read on his armchair. The book did reveal numerous answers on defying the natural order of a vampire, from restraining one's fangs with will power to complete abstinence from blood. However, consequences of the cure and the procedures were all potentially dangerous that when John read about the Total Cure, the consequence can be death.

Feeling less entertained by the terrifying consequences of a cure, John instead settled for finding means to walk without fear of the sun, and there he found his answer:

"Sunlight serves as every vampire's sign to head back to their hide aways and bide the time until the evening returns and the unholy hour strikes, but despite this dangerous times there are vampires who cannot wholly endure half a day of deprived blood, especially when there is much source of blood available at this time.

Thus various vampires have connived with the dark powers of warlocks and witches of old, and altogether they devised one quintessential method to shield themselves from the deadly glare of the sun - a potion, prepared with the following ingredients..."

As John scanned the ingredients he felt relieved, for Mark always had practiced the formulation of potions and vials and always had a store of ingredients. However, the last ingredient struck him like thunder hitting a lightningrod:

"a small vial of your maker's blood, mixed with yours"


The following morning, Lady Sandra was mystified when she heard three soft knocks on her door. As she went to open it, she was thunderstruck and almost dropped the potion bottle she was holding when the vampire John greeted her with a smile, holding one beautiful black rose in his right hand, which had a bandage wrapped tightly round its wrist.

A smile, a hug, and a kiss. That was enough for the two to understand.

All in the name of love~

An Admission [One of the Chronicles' Secrets]

There might have been several people who have started to monitor the storyline of the Vampiric Chronicles, be it on the Chronicles themselves or the Interludes that have followed the storyline after the third Chronicle. And you might have noticed - the latter parts of the Chronicles started to delve into the genre of love.

They say that whatever a writer feels, it always manifests in its writings, no matter how much he tries to conceal it. As for myself, the emotions that mixed in my brains and my heart, totally sending my entire council of knowledges and personalities haywire, have completely manifested themselves in the early and later parts of the Chronicles, and well, this time I'll really say that cupid's fired the arrow of love at me. It's not admiration, nor is it infatuation anymore. Those who monitor my Yahoo! Messenger status might notice that too :P

Yes, I am in love.

With whom, you ask? Well that leads me to the Chronicles itself, and an allusion to my most beloved work, Lance Redfield's Terra Nova. In the Chronicles, you've noticed that John has entered a problematic state when his maker accidentally found out about his biggest secret and thus he resigned to asking the witch Lady Sandra for assistance.

Anyway, he turns to the witch and she offers him advice... and something more than advice... it was during these moments that I started to ponder on my feelings for her, to confirm within myself whether it's just another arrow of infatuation that cupid sent my way or whatnot... but hey, I guess it's for real this time XD.

In Terra Nova, I allude myself and herself to the loving couple Dave and Jane, lovers torn by a cruel fate in the past and unknowingly reunite and rekindle a flaming passion long extinguished by time. In the story, Dave meets Jane - very much like any ordinary woman, strong-willed, adventurous, smart, everything he could ever wish for, and little by little he starts to fall for her, but held back by the bitter past that he has experienced, until eventually he discovers that the love that he cherished years back was actually the same woman who was with him all the time.

Some of you might have already picked up the scent, and I commend your wits on reaching that far in cracking my story. Don't worry, it'll still continue after this post, it's just that you'll know some of the mystery this time. In saying this for my readers to see I'm not ashamed to admit it, and whatever she thinks of our relationship I'll accept it with my whole heart. It's not like I'm gonna rush, lol.

Love you, alquanna. :)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Seven: Cupid descends to the Underworld

Continuing John's romantic turn of events, I now commend to your attention, the seventh chronicle... haay even I tingle while writing this... *giggles*

John closed the doors of the manor and leaned against it, closing his eyes and breathing a soft sigh. He crumpled to a sitting position on the floor, his knees drawn up to his chest, his arms wrapped around them, his head resting on them. Apparently the intensity of the emotion and the mad impulse he had released had intoxicated him in a torrent of euphoria that no vampire could possibly experience, not even with a feast of blood on an entire town.

His mind was racing, his heart leaping, his entire body flying with inexplicable emotions. Never has he felt something like this before. As memories of the past continued to flash back at his mind, he has never had the bravery of what he has done in the past few days - to any woman.

He breathed another sigh, closed his eyes, and smiled, relishing the brief moment of euphoria minutes ago. The feeling was enough to make him human once again, and mysteriously enough, as he felt his fangs, they were not there. Even his usual heightened senses with blood seemed to have abated.

Just then the door opened, causing him to snap out of his daze. It was Mark.

"Now what are you doing there, John?" Mark said, shocked as the door forced John back on his feet. "Are you sure you're not sick or something?"

"Oh, no, not at all." John said, brushing dust off his clothes and forcing his face to return to normal. It was then that he realized that he had been blushing for the whole moment. "I... I was just thinking."

"Lady Sandra had been here, hadn't she?"

"W-well, yes she has. She paid me a visit."

"A visit, eh? Well I suppose you are not really that badly sick, are you?" Mark asked, looking at John concernedly. "You've missed several raids and you're taking in lesser blood than what you are supposed to. Do you seriously want to be driven mad?"

Oh yes I do, John replied to himself. In fact, I am already driven mad... but not of what you think...


"Huh? Oh, n-no, not at all." John said, his attention refocusing on Mark. "I... I just figured the witch might know why I'm not hungering for blood lately."

"I see. Or maybe perhaps my blood can re-awaken your senses?"

The tease had returned again on Mark's manners, smiling deviously at his friend. John, however, smiled back.

"I've said it too many times, my friend - I've got a lot of respect for you, being my friend and companion and kin. Perhaps in due time I'll be fine."

Still in a daze, John went up to his chambers and collapsed on the bed. He grabbed a pillow and hugged it like a child, the memories returning and flooding his mind. Finally, cupid had won over him and even in the dark denizens of the underworld, he still has room to fire his arrows at.

I wonder what'll happen next? *smiles*

Monday, October 01, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Six: Euphoria

Lately I've been engrossed with continuing the series of the Vampiric Chronicles and the Muse on a Moodswing, alquanna, has posted several tidbits to the tale in her point of view. Here is its proper order, so as not to confuse readers :D

The Vampire Within (mine)
Revelations Strike (mine)
Dilemmas and Perils (mine)
Wicca (alquanna)
An Enticer Enticed; A Witch Bewitched (mine)
Petals (alquanna)
Light in the Darkness (mine)
Meeting (alquanna)

And now it is followed by this latest chronicle that I commend to your attention XD~

John suddenly jerked awake after falling asleep on the armchair. Apparently his pondering had finally attracted the sleep that never wanted to arrive a while back. Brushing his half-tired eyes for a moment, he turned to the cold cup of tea that the servant had served him earlier, but was thunderstruck at what he saw next.


John's insides leapt. The witch was seated calmly on the guest's armchair, quietly reading a book that she got from Mark's bookshelves. There was an aura of difference around the witch from the last time he had seen her, and he could not help but smile at the thought.

"Finally you have awakened, vampire." Sandra said, without looking up from her reading. "It's quite fascinating for you to sleep through the sunset and wake late at night. You have had a troublesome morning?"

"You can say that I've had a lot on my mind." John said, his voice shaking slightly as he turned to have a drink of the tea. Even his grip on the teacup shook. "Oh, has the servant -?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Sandra said, closing the book and setting it on the side table. "I came here to see how you were doing."

"So it was you." John said, casting a sudden glance at the stairs, on the lookout for Mark. "You've done this to me... haven't you?"

"You do not like it?"

"It's not like that." John said, shaking his head. "I'm grateful for it, actually. You've helped me realize several things I've forgotten during my vampiric state."

"I'm happy to hear that."

Then the hunchback servant approached them.

"Master John, Master Mark has departed for his evening raids earlier than expected. Since he has found you asleep he has asked me to prepare you dinner instead. Would you and your guest like to have something to eat?"

"Oh, yes, thank you." John said. He turned to Sandra. "Will you not mind dining with me? I mean... our food might differ from what you are accustomed with."

"Try me, vampire." Sandra said, smiling.

They had a scrumptious dinner where the servant apparently outdid himself with ordinary dishes that surprised the two. Afterwards the witch prepared to depart.

"Well, I see from your manners that you have considerably improved and taken my advice with care. I admire your honor, vampire, standing up to your resolve without doubts." Sandra said, as she drew her cloak over her head. "But I must be going. I cannot trespass on your hospitality any longer."

As Sandra turned to walk away, a mad impulse suddenly drove John.

"Sandra, wait!"

Sandra turned again, and John suddenly grabbed her by the hands and met her lips with his. The moment lasted for several seconds, but for John it seemed like an eternity. He even took great care not to harm the witch with his fangs, but for that fleeting moment, it seemed, that his fangs had disappeared. In fact, he even felt human once again~

*Sighs deeply* Keep yourselves posted! :D

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Five: Light in the Darkness

Continuing the chronicles after remodeling my blog and publishing Lance's recent work, I now bring you the events after John's curious actions~

While the sun made its regular trek 'round their side of the world, the vampire John lay awake in his dim, candle-lit chamber, the windows bolted and boarded shut to ward off the dangerous rays of the sun. He had mustered quite a tremendous amount of bravery and courage to write a delicate letter to the witch and even plucked the prettiest black rose he could find growing in Mark's manor garden. Much more especially in returning to the witch's shack, although as he was about to knock on the door his mustered courage gave way and he was resigned to leaving the note and the flower instead at the doorstep.

Now he lay on his bed - twisting, turning, unable to sleep, let alone think straight. It wasn't part of the mystical cure and aura that the witch had endowed him as he was walking home two twilights ago... he was definitely sure of it, and whatever compelled him to write a letter and send the flower definitely wasn't part of the mysterious strings pulling him from afar to the correct directions.

More oddly was the fact that his hunger for blood had considerably abated, even his hunger for his maker's blood had considerably ceased and he was even surprised that previous evening that he was able to bide through the unholy night without staring differently at his friend. He even felt satisfied with just on animals than on his regular raids at villages. Overall, his visit to the witch had been a tremendous change indeed. Could the witch have possibly charmed him with a spell? No, he thought. Vampires have heightened senses against their fellow denizens of the underworld. If he felt the weird mood that overcame him the night before then certainly he would've felt if the witch had charmed him.

Resigned to giving up sleep, John dressed up in an evening robe and went down the dark staircase straight to the windowless drawing room, where he found their hunchback servant already up, dusting the bookshelves and arranging the ornaments on the tables. After requesting for some warm tea, he settled himself on his usual armchair and continued to ponder on his thoughts.

And then he remembered.

His vampiric instincts had clouded most of his memories as an ordinary human but now that those instincts had been momentarily held at bay, the thought suddenly returned to his mind - the memorable ball that his parents had held nearly a year ago. It was during this ball that he had first seen Lady Sandra - already eccentric in her manners, but he wasn't still aware then that she was a witch.

There was before... a lonely young man, frequenting the banquet table and hiding behind the curtains when the soft music starts to play, but on that ball he had dared to ask the Lady for a short dance, and the Lady obliged with equal interest. Now he understood - a connection had already been established long before they even met once again as denizens of the underworld.

Then the question arose - could it be love?

He knew the answer.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lance Redfield's comeback

I momentarily take off John's vampiric mask and hang it beside the various online personalities that I adapt according to my feelings and thoughts. Now the artistically writer side of me has returned for a fleeting moment and now welcomes itself back with something to relay what my silly brain has been arguing about with the middle, more impulsive region of my body.

Don't worry, the Vampiric Chronicles doesn't end there. XD

Sad to say I was in the middle of cursing the bad weather and Internet connectivity during the afternoon. I could've posted earlier, but ah well. I'll try to bring this up today lol. I really have to make a mental note to purchase prepaid Internet cards every week.

Ah well, here's Lance's returning poetry~

I'm here.
by Lance B T Redfield

You stand at a crossroad
Alone and forlorn
Unsure which to take
Your feelings remain unknown

Both paths seem alike
In ambiance and in form
The only thing that differs
Is the destination drawn

On one path lies a pen
The other holds a brush
A choice of either path
Will not differ much

Though should you choose to take
The path that yields the brush
The pen will still be there
Hopeful, Waiting, Untouched

But in all unlikeliness
That the brush had been gone
You can always turn back
There's no harm to that

The pen will still wait
At the path not taken
For that pen is with me
And for you I'll always be here...

PS. For those still unaware, Lance Brian Tracy Redfield is the personality I often use when I am in the process of writing my Terra Nova series, which incidentally has faced quite a huge dead end. I am still in the process of figuring out a way to bypass it. LOL.

*Sigh* At least Lance did express some happiness that neither Dave, Allan, not even John, could possibly express... Oh, happy days~

*Dances around the room*

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Four: An Enticer Enticed; A Witch Bewitched

Two interesting rhymes for a title, and the story gets even more complicated. Now this really becomes a fanfiction LOL.

As John walked back to the Manor, his mind raced with various thoughts whilst he contemplated on the witch's response to his queries.

Perhaps if you tried being a little open at your thoughts and understand your maker's behavior, you will be enlightened to accept his offer..."

The words etched on his mind like carvings chiseled on wood, and the more he thought of the idea the more it scared even himself. Being open on that matter wasn't exactly a resolution he expected the witch to tell him. He kind of expected her to formulate a medicine of sorts to cure him of his queer hunger, but now he's left to ponder over the witch's words.

However, as he emerged from the woodlands that bid entrance to the witch's abode, he felt difference settling in his system - like as if his mind had been turned to a new inclination. The feeling was unnatural for him, but a smile crossed his lips as he continued.

It was a short while before sunrise when John finally reached the confines of the Manor, finding his friend and maker seated calmly on the drawing room, reading a book over the lamplight.

"Ah, you have returned." Mark said, speaking like as if nothing happened during dinnertime. "I suppose you have found some other victim by which to satisfy your natural hunger upon my blood? That won't be healthy for you..."

He smirked as he returned to his reading. John sat on the armchair opposite him.

"No, as I've said, I've got too much respect on you, that's why I can't bear to do it." John said, smiling at his friend. "But I seem to notice - you're quite interested to tempt me to take a bite at you, aren't you?"

Mark looked up from his reading.

"Let's just say it would bring me no end to pleasure to see my own victim having a taste of my tainted blood. It would strengthen your vampiric identity if our kin were to find out."

"Bring you no end to pleasure? Then I suppose you want to bite me again when I finish having a taste of you?"

The words escaped John's mouth in a sudden manner that even he himself was stunned. It was as if something nudged his mind to have such thoughts. Mark, however, remained impassive, although there was a hint of surprise.

"You assume too much, don't you?" Mark said, recovering from the reaction and smiling. "I have already bitten you once, and that would suffice for me."

John smirked - another action he never expected even himself to do. It was like as if strings had been attached on all parts of his body, a puppeteer controlling him from afar. Nevertheless he liked it.

"Really... but whenever you stare at me I see the same hungry stare I give you most of the time." John said, winking at his friend then heading off to his chambers to retire.

The following evening, the witch Sandra was thunderstruck when she found a lovely black rose placed gently at her doorstep. A small piece of paper was folded under it and when she read its contents she just smirked at herself. The note ran:

"I send my love to the witch who might be responsible for the change that suddenly overcame me. Perhaps you gave me more than just an answer.


The Vampire"

Sandra held the note for a moment in her hands, then picked up the black rose and went in her shack.

Love story? LOL

The Muse on a Moodswing, alquanna, has posted her side of the story after John left. You may opt to check it out too here XD

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Three: Dilemmas and Perils

O-kaaay, this is starting to turn into fanfiction! XD - I'm having quite a lot of pent-up writing energy stored to keep this continued!

Cold, Troubled, and Confused, John stormed out of the Manor and straight into the woodlands surrounding their abode. It was a chilly evening and the cold winds blew sharply against John, who had not bothered to take a coat on his way out. His mind was flying in a daze of confusion and a mixture of several other emotions that constricted him from thinking properly. Even his usual thirst for blood for that evening was temporarily wiped off his mind.

Desperate for resolution, John traversed a grimy path in the woods that was said to lead to the house of Lady Sandra, an eccentric woman who apparently practices witchcraft and has knowledge on several denizens of the underworld, including vampires like him. The woman's house was just a simple shack in the middle of the woods, but with a touch of odd formality and nobility in its surroundings. John's suspicions on her witchcraft practices were proven though, when he chanced to see a cauldron in boil atop a small fire just beside the front door. Apparently the witch had been concocting.

As he approached to knock, the door opened and out came Lady Sandra, whose appearance was not John had entirely expected of a woman who practices witchcraft. She wore a flowing black dress that clashed perfectly with her shimmering long black hair, and had her nails tinted black, even her lips.

"Yes, vampire?" Sandra asked stiffly, with an air of a noble woman. "What brings you in my residence at this time of the night? If you plan to take a bite out of me I assure you it won't be pleasant."

"No, I mean you no harm." John said. "I come here to ask you a question."

Sandra proceeded to her boiling concoction and gave it a stir, then added several powdery ingredients. Then she motioned him to a stump that she uses as a chair, and they both sat down.

"Pray tell, vampire." Sandra said. "Pay heed, however, I do not take kindly to certain queries."

"I... I do not know if this is a problem of mine or if it is even normal for a vampire... but strangely I have had several strong urges of wanting to take a bite at my maker and drink his blood... does one find that normal for a vampire?"

The witch gave one stir of her cauldron before returning her gaze to John.

"When a vampire inflicts a pure-blood with the tainted blood that it has possessed and passed down from generation to generation, it is nothing but natural for you to hunger for blood... even if it were your maker's blood or any other living being's blood."

"Then... this hunger I have... it is normal?"

"He permits it, does he not? I presume he has offered you to bite him."

"Y-yes... but I just can't seem to do it..."

"Respect." Sandra said stiffly. "When you are a denizen of the underworld or a being tainted with darkness, respect is exceptionally uncommon to find. Perhaps if you tried being a little open at your thoughts and understand your maker's behavior, you will be enlightened to accept his offer."

"I... I understand... thank you."

With that John departed.

Getting darker and darker LOL. This is the first time I wrote about this theme XD

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Two: Revelations Strike

Somehow I felt that the story I posted earlier wasn't at par much with the things that this new personality of mine has achieved... hence I opted to continue the story. Hey, I might even make a fanfiction about it!

To those who are following its mysterious trail of events, continue reading on:

Day after day John watched with a delicate stare at his maker, his mentor, Mark, during their nightly raids at the countryside or even when they are in the manor, where John now stayed, having been forsaken for his tainted identity. True, he satisfied his hunger for blood with the innocent that he takes in as victims, and at some point even animals suffer no mercy. But deep inside there really was that desire to even have a taste of his maker's blood.

But it was not until several weeks after he discovered his true wants that everything seemed to crash down upon him. It happened during dinner:

"I want to talk to you about something." John remarked, as the two vampires sat down for a meal of raw-cooked meat and a glass of blood.

"Oh, what is it?" Mark asked, a sly smile on his face.

"I... I think I may have a problem."

"A problem?"

"Night after night we stalk the countrysides and feast on the blood of the unwary and the innocent. But I fear it doesn't satisfy my hunger..."

Mark laughed.

"You wish to have a taste of my blood, then?" Mark suddenly blurted out, making John's insides freeze with sheer coolness. "Don't you?"

"I... n-no! I couldn't possibly do that!" John cried. "I have too much respect for you, you're my friend!"

"Oh, you speak truthfully, my friend." Mark said. "But your instincts betray you. I can tell by your stares that you hunger for me."

It was then that John understood: He had been staring at Mark longer than usual in the past few days that he seemed not to notice his maker staring back at him.

"Oh, but if that is what you want, then by all means." Mark said, inclining his neck a little for John to see, the latter's mind wracking with mad thoughts of pouncing on him and planting his fangs on his maker. "Take your best bite."

But John shook his head with an air of a confused person.

"N-No! I m-mustn't... I cannot do it!"

With that he stormed out of the manor, leaving a sinisterly smiling Mark.

It gets even more mysterious, ne? It's starting to sound like a real fanfiction! LOL

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part One: The Vampire Within

I make this post today whilst whittling down the time for waiting at the Group Writing Project. Six Weeks of relentless writing can be quite a burdensome task especially in thinking of good ways and means to present my thoughts and feelings towards online gaming. Anyway, it was an enjoyable experience! XD

As it is, one might wonder about the title. Why a vampire? Some of you know that I currently maintain several online personalities - a student, a writer, and now a Fa Shih (The dealer having unfortunately faded with the closing curtains of pROSE). Now I introduce the fourth personality that sprung from the depths of my mind - the vampire John.

Here is his tale:

John descended from a pure bloodline of nobility and scholars in the community. His family was one of the most respected and has everything at his beck and call, from expensive food to priceless treasures.

Despite the riches and the smarts that he possessed, there was a part of him that seemed unrelenting, an emptiness that seemed to be prevalent. Even though everything was at the tips of his fingers, there was something that absolutely cannot be attained.

One evening, as he walked down the woodlands where he was accustomed to taking a walk, he chanced to have a companion on his way home - a gentleman of good upbringing, wearing a black traveling cloak over what seemed to be nobility's clothes. The man was an amusing conversationalist and soon enough John and the man, whom he later on knew was named Mark, became the best of friends.

But the friendship took a different twist when John was invited at Mark's abode - an ancient feudal-looking manor at the outskirts of the town. There he discovered his friend's secret identity - it was a Vampire.

Unable to escape, John confronted his friend, but ended up being given a loving bite on the neck by the vampire. At once his insides tightened as the scent of blood, once unfamiliar and irrelevant, now entered his senses like an enticing meal, and the thirst for blood started to sink in the fangs that had grown in his teeth.

Thus marks the sinister legend of the two vampires that scoured the countrysides for prey, indulging in the blood of the unwary innocent, satisfying the hunger of eternity.

But to John the human memories that have remained in his mind slowly found an answer to its unrelenting question - as he looks at Mark, his vampiric instincts contorting with hunger as his maker's neck swims into his view. How he would love to drink its blood...

It's a pretty deep story, but not in a negative sense, I haven't turned into a vampire LOL. There's just a few who might be able to crack the mystery of this post. XD

Anyway, it's lunchtime for me!