Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Hi there again! Right now my blog's starting to highlight points that underline the blog title itself: Gamer at Heart!

Right now, aside from practicing to be an illusionist with the DS (and failing considerably, given the fact that the tricks require extreme practice to perform flawlessly), I've also taken up the role of a defense attorney and engage in a courtroom battle of wits - all courtesy of Phoenix Wright!

Phoenix Wright is a three-series game adapted from its Gameboy Advance version and now ported successfully to the Nintendo DS. You take on the role of the Defense attorney, Phoenix Wright, as he engages in a series of somewhat-related cases that unfold a major storyline of the game. The three series are Ace Attorney, Justice for All, and Trials and Tribulations. Some later cases with the latter two games will not directly involve Phoenix defending in court, but rather his companions and even rival would do it!

It's entirely a battle of wits, you having to perform an investigation at the crime scene and related places and also to converse with a number of witnesses, some actually testifying in court and some assisting on your investigation. In examining the locations, you obtain useful evidences and items that might aid you in proving your theories and/or charges in Court.

After an investigation, the trial itself begins, and you are introduced as the defense, your intellectual enemy being the prosecution. In most of the cases, Phoenix's rival is Miles Edgeworth, a High Prosecutor and well-known to win a lot of cases with a guilty verdict.

There's also the judge, of course, a man of wise judgment but can easily be swayed by points of both prosecution and defense. More often that not he agrees with prosecution unless the defense has something credible to present.

Courtroom battles here progress with lesser bureaucracy than what traditional courtrooms might have, given the absence of references to laws, rights, or any other judicial stuff that might pertain to the written law. All cases convened are murder and thus the duties are simply made clear for everyone to understand properly: the Prosecution is to exercise all means to prove the defendant guilty, be it by use of falsified evidences or testimonies; and the Defense is to protect his client by revealing flaws and exposing lies in the testimonies, or anything else that might appear as - as the game states - contradictory.

The Prosecution gets its way with witnesses, thus they are the ones presenting witnesses and sometimes, other evidence that you might have missed. Each witness gives one or more testimonies of what he/she saw at the crime scene and with each point of the testimony you are given the option to test its truthfulness by pressing her with the issue. The witness will reveal extra information but sometimes it won't be helpful, or it will be covered up by an objection of the prosecution.

Once a lie has been found, the defense can begin cross-examining. During a cross-examination, evidence is normally required to prove a lie in the witness's statement. As Miles Edgeworth himself says, "The only thing that belongs in a trial is evidence!". Therefore evidence is necessary! Present the right one and you nail the witness and the prosecutor. Present a wrong one, and the judge nails you!

From there on it's a series of testimonies, arguments, and cross-examinations. Phoenix's mentor, Mia Fey, has said that "Once you break through a witness's testimony, everything else falls apart." Therefore, once a lie has been exposed, it will be difficult to re-arrange one's testimony again. More often that not it leads him to expose more than what was necessary. Prosecution may object, but it will be too late.

In the end, everything culminates to a 'NOT GUILTY' verdict, but that is, if you have the brains to prove it!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Master of Illusions - Magic Performances on the DS!

*tips top hat*

Good day today! I momentarily break the Chronicles again since there is one thing that definitely caught my interest when I was playing through some games on my DS - and that is Master of Illusions!

What is this game, you might ask? Well it's like a game that functions as a magic prop and a magic performance stage at the same time. It empowers you (along with the DS and its helpful tricks and tips) to make a dazzling performance in front of anyone - friends, family, even strangers! It's a really interesting find for me. XD

It's not dubbed as a game per se, but rather a pastime program that you'd like to visit daily (since you can only practice for so much daily and practicing unlocks more and better magic tricks to play around with). The game provides you with magic tricks to use and also teaches you the fundamentals of performing the tricks without catching the audience's suspicions - of course to do that perfectly you need to practice, practice, practice!

Aside from the fact that you can render performances with magic tricks, there is also a built-in Magician inside the game that can perform tricks for you! Of course his tricks are way better than yours and some employ the functionalities of the DS to complete.

As a taster of what I might perform for you should we meet with my DS, here's one - the Twin Candles trick:


Blow on the DS mic. Both candles should go out. Blow on it several times after the Magician lights it for you.
2. Pick a candle among the two (it's either the red candle or the blue candle). Then point your index finger at it.
3. Blow on the DS mic again.

Here's a pic: [courtesy of Gamespot!]

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Vampiric Chronicles Part Twenty-Two: A Moment Withheld

Been a long time since I posted! I'll have to brush up around here. XD

One week passed after the sinister events that befell the Witch Diane, and even as Mark, Paul, John, Sandra, and Tom discuss it over dinner they still cannot believe the harsh brutality that the town mayor exhibited over the poor witch. Although Diane did survive the conflagration of her house with the execution of several clever witchwork and the help of underground passages within her shack, she has now, according to Sandra, fled to the countrysides to the homes of the outlying witches that reside there.

"Of course she will be safe there as I am here, but there's no telling what that mad mayor might do should he encounter more witches." Sandra said. "Have you heard what happened to his daughter?"

"Yes." Mark said curtly, slicing half-cooked steak in his plate and spearing it with his fork. "From what I hear, his daughter died several days ago of intense fever and what they believe to be witchcraft at its worst."

"No better words can describe that." Sandra said. "We witches are helpful and kind to a fault, but if we are disrupted by these non-believers then we can set loose nature upon them!"

John didn't reply, nor was he even listening to their conversation. Several things had come to his attention recently and often he sneaks some time out of the Manor, preferably at night and during the moments when Sandra educates young Tom. Not that he's evading her, but he's got several things in mind.

"Uhm, excuse me for a moment," John said, rising up from the chair all of a sudden. "I'll... I'll need to take a short walk."

"I'll come with you." Sandra said, half-rising from her chair, but John held her back.

"N-no, this is something I must do myself." John said, taking extra caution to choose his words carefully. He didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"Well, if that's what you like." Sandra said. "You be careful now."

"That's something to be said for those who cross me."

Sandra smirked. John strode to the door, put on a coat, and went out of the Manor.

"Y-you two are not fighting, are you?" Mark asked curiously.

"Not at all!" Sandra said suddenly. "Why do you ask that?"



John walked along the almost-empty town streets, watching the town folk light the street lamps and close up shops. He stopped in front of the bookstore where he and his friends normally stayed, then entered without anyone noticing.

"Oh, hi John." Jason said, looking up from his reading. "Took you a short while to get here."

"Sorry, we're having dinner." John said. "Had to excuse myself. Is it ready?"

"Not yet, but it's almost done. I'll just need Anthony's assistance to finish it."

"Thanks. I wouldn't know what I'd do without you guys."

"Not a problem, man. You take care with her now."

"I will."

John went out of the bookstore, thinking deeply. Thoughts danced around his mind as he walked along the street, all revolving around the single woman in his life. Sandra had been the best thing that had come in his darkened and miserable vampiric life, yet there's something missing that he seems to fail to give.

"Just a little more time..." John said to himself, frowning. "I'm sorry, I'll have to hold it a bit longer..."

He looked up at the night sky, as a light snow started to fall. He had completely forgotten - it's almost Christmas.

"Maybe during then." John said.

Now I wonder what that is *giggles*