Friday, September 19, 2008

Class Week One, Term Two: Surprises, surprises, surprises!

It's Friday yet again and classes have resumed at full swing! It's quite interesting that time passes so quickly around these parts that the vacation season's really over and it's time we donned our professional images again and enter the classrooms in a haze of new subjects, new and old students alike, and also new things to teach / learn! It's quite lovely as well, to meet up with my old students once again in the classroom and to encounter new students alike, hoping for a very healthy relationship with them as we move along this new trimester of joy and excitement. Not to mention the upcoming Christmas celebration by the end of this all!

Surprises, surprises, surprises... yes, this week has been riddled with surprises since I had succinctly enjoyed surprising my old students into giving them a false sense of security that I am not their instructor. MWAHAHAHA! It was fun while it lasted and I must admit that even I tingled with excitement as I approached their classroom at their appointed time for me.

I was also surprised just now as I had a sudden plethora of problems to deal with with regards to my teaching load, as apparently some emergencies came up and I had to fill up some of the vacant positions at the expense of some of my subjects. It's quite regrettable to let go of some classes but I hope they get happier at the hands of better, more accomplished (and more enjoyable, hopefully) instructors. That means I have yet another surprise in store for me next week! Another new class, LOL.

I never truly realized how easy it is to teach Mathematics until I found myself in the middle of the classroom teaching it. It was quite fun to teach, especially with my methods as an instructor, and I really hope my students come to appreciate and enjoy Mathematics with as much excitement and enjoyment as I used to have with it as a student :D

~Sir Dave~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Post-Class Lamentations 5: Saddled up for Tomorrow!

Whew! It has been quite an interesting two weeks of vacation season for everyone, I suppose (not for us faculty, as we have been plagued endlessly with continuing work and post-education stuff). Days pass quite fast, since we're already entering the second trimester and entering my second term of teaching here in APC!

It all feels so surreal that I've survived the first trimester with flying colors and even enjoyed the experience out of it all. I'm really looking forward to my new students for this term, new subjects to teach, new headaches to have (ahahaha!), and hopefully new challenges to face not only with school, but with work as well.

I will make this a rather short and sweet post, closing off my post-class lamentations and opening up a new term of blog entries lamenting on my experiences and stories as I pursue another three-and-a-half months of entertainment (hopefully) and excitement. I'm currently under a new department for this trimester, having been unable to obtain certain subjects I had wished to obtain, but I hope that I enjoy being under this department as well. Maybe in the future I can engage myself in two departments! LOL

I still wonder, though, after these five lamentations, if my secret message can finally be perceived. This very same blog post actually closes off the secret that I've long concealed from my students *winks*

With that, I bid everyone a warm evening, I hope everyone's quite prepared for tomorrow! Enjoy the new term guys!

~Sir Dave~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Post-Class Lamentations 4: Gamer's Tribute

The vacation slowly creeps up on the bored and tired mind and after running around the school for nearly the past two days while having nothing at all to do except arrange things here and there, I find myself in the middle of this insidious thing called boredom once again - our manager's gone off overseas and has left us all here with not much reminders, so we are free to do as we please (oh, joy!), but next week might kick-off once again with new action as the next trimester starts to rear its ugly head.

With the looming boredom over, under, and all around me, I just decided to play around with a concept that my beloved students had contemplated amongst themselves as a class slogan and a sort of class banner. Along with the miraculous artistic powers of Adobe Photoshop, I have come up with a wargame-ish rendition of my students' interpretation of their section - AC81 :D

It looks a little messy, doesn't it? I had to play around with so little space x_x

I hope you like it guys, and I hope it serves as a reminder never to lose your linkages and wacky experiences with one another as the trimesters progress and you guys enter the deeper stages of your academic education - no one else could provide you better support, consolation, and comfort than the company of your classmates and instructors :D

Now I really wonder if someone's been getting the meaning of all these lamentations~ *whistles at himself*

~Sir Dave~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Post-Class Lamentations 3: New Classes?

The start of the vacation week welcomes me this Sunday afternoon as I prepare this blog post that paves the way for the events of the coming week. With the end of the first trimester and my very first term of teaching, our efforts are now concentrated once again on our projects for our company JQITC and with more projects coming in we're all forced to let go of some teaching load to accommodate our responsibilities. Hopefully it doesn't affect our overall load though and I still hope to teach the subjects that I want and (hopefully) the sections I like.

With that in mind, with my continuing nagging or persistence with the Math Department coordinator (who had been one of my most favorite Instructors in Math subjects, Trigonometry for one), I think my wish for a Mathematics load will be granted for the following term! I'm sure it's gonna be another exciting experience to have since it's really been quite some time since I sat down on a math class xD.

Well I guess that's that for this week. I'm making my lamentations-after-classes rather short since these weren't meant to state my thoughts in the first place anyway. Oh, wait, did I just say that? Pretend you didn't notice anything. Hahaha.

~Sir Dave~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Post-Class Lamentations 2: Anxiety Subsides

Several days follow my previous post and already tension has mounted in myself and in our workplace. I do not want to share it out here, but instead I'll just lament on how I feel now that most of our fears have been slightly abated.

I ask first, for forgiveness to my students whom I might have inadvertently lashed out at in the previous days through Yahoo! Messenger as I was deftly caught in my own stream of anxiety and bothersome mood. At least it was best for everyone to know that even Sir Dave gets his share of problems sometimes. I thank those, though, who did offer to help out in whatever problem I may have despite them knowing it. I really appreciate that guys! :D

I am just glad that we're all sticking through together (we classmates / co-workers) despite these critical times and I hope we all pull through with this somehow. We've had worse problems in the past and I'm sure we're gonna make it and solve this problem in the near future. We're not that quite easy in losing hope, and thank goodness we have supportive seniors looking after us.

With regards to the next trimester, still shrouded in due mystery, I find it still tough to secure the subjects that are convenient for me to teach given the constraints that we new part-time teachers have been imposed upon. I pray that with my discussions tomorrow with our Assistant Program Director clears some matters up and hopefully, in my favor. Then I can run off to the Math Department and clear up some matters there as well. If all goes well I should be quite excited to teach in the coming term *smirks*

And my crush? No one will still know. Bleah!

~Sir Dave~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Post-Class Lamentations 1: Begging for Mercy

Finally! The term has almost ended (for the nth time I might be announcing these past few days) and my grade computations have almost been completed. I must say that everything looks somewhat good for my students and I congratulate them for quite a wonderful performance in class. It was their doing anyway that brought them to such grades and in my honest opinion, they are quite deserving of those marks, whether high or low.

As the term now draws to a close and a momentary period of calm moves in for the Instructors and the students (paving the way for yet a new trimester), it is also time for us Instructors to settle our own ends of the trimester (grades, evaluations, stuff like those), and right now I've been running like a headless chicken across three floors in the school in just settling my status for next term.

As the blog post title for today implies, I'm literally almost on my knees begging for mercy. Well, not quite exaggeratedly, but there's something that drives me to desperation throughout the waning days of the old trimester and the coming new one. I just hope whatever it is that happens by the end of this week brings favor to me and gives me convenience for the coming three and a half months.

With that I will end this rather relatively short lamentation. Cheers and have a great term break, my students!

~Sir Dave~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer