Saturday, November 08, 2008

Class Week Seven: Terror and Horror lands upon Arkham!

[This will also be posted at]

It's been a most fateful week for all of us as I finally received my copies of Arkham Horror's core boardgame and its many expansions - as of the moment my collection spans the core boardgame itself, the Curse of the Dark Pharaoh mini-expansion, and the major-expansions Dunwich Horror and Kingsport Horror. All of them prove to have challenging content and I find even myself challenged by these games.

So far I've held three games since the time I received it - since preparation took a VERY long time and I had to take the utmost measures to ensure that each and every single piece and card is well-protected from outside nasty elements. I've held two games at two of my students' homes, having won one and lost the other, and one 4-player simulation I held with myself resulted with a win.

Round 1: Ithaqua's Wrath

We held the game at Celine's house along with her co-students, all of whom just new to the genre of boardgaming and to the genre of the Mythos itself. It started mostly with movements and tactics that were so grossly out of place that defeat was already imminent from the moment the game started - but that is ok, since we were all beginners anyway!

The time consumed in learning / playing the game proved insufficient to constitute a properly-played game so we agreed to wake Ithaqua (the big boss) pre-emptively. It proved to be an even worse mistake, as it resulted to a catastrophic loss with four investigators devoured whole. So much for Arkham on this round!

Round 2: Nyarlarthotep's Defeat 1

A self-simulation I held on my own followed right after the catastrophic battle against Ithaqua and this one proved fruitful as I controlled four investigators into victory, sending the Ancient One to bed by performing one of the essential conditions for winning.

It was also during this time that I managed to form the basic and essential tactics needed to properly play Arkham Horror!

Round 3: Nyarlarthotep's Failed Vengeance

Held at another of my student's house, Rosalyn, we played the game with several students who had played earlier and some new ones as well. Again, defeat seemed imminent since most are quite inexperienced with the genre of boardgaming, and an overrun of monsters in Arkham resulted to Nyarlarthotep waking up without further ado.

Almost lost with hope, we never gave up though and managed to send him packing with a team of four Investigators, each one surviving up to the very bitter end.

Round 4: ?????

There is a plan for this coming Wednesday to hold the fourth Arkham Horror round (3rd for the students' version) and there are already openings for up to 8 players! (me included as 1 already).

Who knows what may happen in these horrifying times? Who will threaten Arkham this time, and who will stand up to confront it?

~Sir Dave~
Once a gamer, always will be a gamer

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