Wednesday, October 03, 2007

An Admission [One of the Chronicles' Secrets]

There might have been several people who have started to monitor the storyline of the Vampiric Chronicles, be it on the Chronicles themselves or the Interludes that have followed the storyline after the third Chronicle. And you might have noticed - the latter parts of the Chronicles started to delve into the genre of love.

They say that whatever a writer feels, it always manifests in its writings, no matter how much he tries to conceal it. As for myself, the emotions that mixed in my brains and my heart, totally sending my entire council of knowledges and personalities haywire, have completely manifested themselves in the early and later parts of the Chronicles, and well, this time I'll really say that cupid's fired the arrow of love at me. It's not admiration, nor is it infatuation anymore. Those who monitor my Yahoo! Messenger status might notice that too :P

Yes, I am in love.

With whom, you ask? Well that leads me to the Chronicles itself, and an allusion to my most beloved work, Lance Redfield's Terra Nova. In the Chronicles, you've noticed that John has entered a problematic state when his maker accidentally found out about his biggest secret and thus he resigned to asking the witch Lady Sandra for assistance.

Anyway, he turns to the witch and she offers him advice... and something more than advice... it was during these moments that I started to ponder on my feelings for her, to confirm within myself whether it's just another arrow of infatuation that cupid sent my way or whatnot... but hey, I guess it's for real this time XD.

In Terra Nova, I allude myself and herself to the loving couple Dave and Jane, lovers torn by a cruel fate in the past and unknowingly reunite and rekindle a flaming passion long extinguished by time. In the story, Dave meets Jane - very much like any ordinary woman, strong-willed, adventurous, smart, everything he could ever wish for, and little by little he starts to fall for her, but held back by the bitter past that he has experienced, until eventually he discovers that the love that he cherished years back was actually the same woman who was with him all the time.

Some of you might have already picked up the scent, and I commend your wits on reaching that far in cracking my story. Don't worry, it'll still continue after this post, it's just that you'll know some of the mystery this time. In saying this for my readers to see I'm not ashamed to admit it, and whatever she thinks of our relationship I'll accept it with my whole heart. It's not like I'm gonna rush, lol.

Love you, alquanna. :)

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