Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I sit on my usual pink plastic stool that my brother uses all the time whenever he uses and abuses the power that I extend over my laptop to him, poring over webpages of old entries and relishing on the memories of past days and perhaps weeks, maybe even months. God, it had been frustrating to be stuck at home, relying only on the speed and span of telecommunications to bridge the agonizing gap between us. How I missed her~

Now that I think of it, my blogging status before had been close to dismal, displaying my woes in life at the early posts, even ranting about how unfair my parents had been treating me with regards to my study-gaming relationship. Then in a sudden revival and flash it shifts to the gaming gear as I join in GM T's contest. Now, it's become a haven for my lovesick heart to shout itself out... *sigh* - my blog really has become something else... from rants to views, now to emotions~

Each time I glimpse back to see whether she has new works or just plain staring once again at the loving words she has embedded within the delicate strands of fiction that we now shared at crafting, I cannot help but smile at myself and heave a sigh for all the things that has happened in our lives. It all started off with the first meeting at a Movie UBE, then followed by a series of EB skirmishes that ordinarily concluded with the two of us walking down a desolate mall hallway, a commercial district avenue, or even the online gaming headquarters itself.

Memories that keep me happy despite the longing that slowly fills me up at each second I spend without seeing her familiar pink font.

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